Sten Ohlson
Visiting Professor
My research is focused on the role and importance of transientic/weak/rapid/dynamic interactions within a biological network (the interactome) such as the cell. And further how they can be exploited in drug discovery and clinical diagnostics.
About me
Academic Experience
2021- Visiting Professor, Linköping University, Sweden
2018- Professor Emeritus, School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2014-2018 Professor, Applied Biochemistry (Biotechnology), School of Biological Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2012-2014 Lee Wee Nam Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2010-2013 Professor, Applied Biochemistry (Biotechnology), Linnaeus University, Sweden
1999-2010 Professor, Applied Biochemistry (Biotechnology), University of Kalmar, Sweden
Industrial Experience
2018- Bioentrepreneur, General Manager of AffiSten
Thirteen years of industrial experience as entrepreneur and director of R&D (1980-1993).
Founder of four life science companies (Perstorp Biolytica AB, KalBiotech AB, ProLiff AB and Transientic Interactions AB).
I received the prestigious 2017 ISMR Award for Affinity Technology administered by the International Society for Molecular Recognition. This award is the highest honour that can be received in the area of research on biological interactions and recognition.
Research Interests
Understanding the role and importance of weak and transient interactions in biological recognition and their applications in clinical diagnostics and drug discovery. Developing the transient drug concept, continuous biosensors, biological imprinting technologies and weak affinity chromatography (WAC; Affinity LC/MS) for pharmaceutical- and diagnostic applications.
Key Expertise
- Analytical Biochemistry especially chromatography, electrophoresis, immunoassays, mass
spectroscopy (MS), biosensor techniques (SPR), spectroscopy (including fluorescence and
ultraviolet) - Protein science
- Biomolecular interaction analysis especially of transient interactions
- Drug discovery especially screening technologies
- Cell culture engineering and assays
- Anti-bacterial drug discovery
- Bioentrepreneurship
Selected publications
10 selected publications
1. Anandalakshmi V, Duong-Thi M-D, Pervushin K, Ohlson S and Mehta JS (2020) Pharmaceutical modulation of the proteolytic profile of Transforming Growth Factor Beta induced protein (TGFBIp) offers a new avenue for treatment of TGFBI-corneal dystrophy. Journal of Advanced Research 24:529-543. Continue to DOI.
2. Ohlson S and Duong-Thi M-D (2018) Fragment screening for drug leads by weak affinity chromatography (WAC-MS). Methods 14:26-38. Continue to DOI.
3. Ohlson S, Kaur J, Raida M, Niss U, Bengala T, Drum CL, Boehm B and Torres AR (2017) Direct analysis – no sample preparation – of bioavailable cortisol in human plasma by weak affinity chromatography (WAC). Journal of Chromatography B 1061-1062:438-444. Continue to DOI.
4. Singh P, Madhaiyan K, Duong-Thi MD, Dymock BW and Ohlson S (2017) Analysis of Protein Target Interactions of Synthetic Mixtures by Affinity-LC/MS. SLAS Discovery 22:440-446. Continue to DOI.
5. Ohlson S and Duong-Thi M-D (2017) Weak Affinity Chromatography (WAC). In: Huddler D and Zartler ER (eds) Applied Biophysics for Drug Discovery, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 107-130. Continue to DOI.
6. Yao L, Mustafa N, Tan EC, Poulsen A, Singh P, Duong-Thi M-D, Lee JXT, Ramanujulu PM, Chng WJ, Yen JJY, Ohlson S and Dymock BW (2017) Design and Synthesis of Ligand Efficient Dual Inhibitors of Janus Kinase (JAK) and Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Based on Ruxolitinib and Vorinostat. J. Med. Chem. 60:8336-8357. Continue to DOI.
7. Ohlson S and Duong-Thi M-D (2016) Emerging technologies for fragment screening. In: Erlanson DA and Jahnke W (eds) Fragment-based Drug Discovery: Lessons and Outlook, First edition edn. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Germany pp. 173-195. Continue to DOI.
8. Ohlson S (2008) Designing transient binding drugs: A new concept for drug discovery. Drug Discovery Today 13:433-439. Continue to DOI.
9. Johansson L, Klinth J, Holmqvist O and Ohlson S (2003) Platelet Lysate: A Replacement for Fetal Bovine Serum in Animal Cell Culture. Cytotechnology 42:67-74. Continue to DOI.
10. Zopf D and Ohlson S (1990) Weak-affinity Chromatography. Nature 346:87-88. Continue to DOI.