
Victor Johansson


I develop population models that can be used to simulate future population persistence under different scenarios of management and climate change.


I have a general interest in landscape and (meta)population ecology, and its applications for conservation.

I have mainly worked with colonization-extinction dynamics, dispersal and persistence of sessile species (e.g. lichens, mosses, fungi and vascular plants), but lately I have gained an increased interest in pollinators. Right now, I work a lot with population dynamics of butterflies in relation to grazing and extreme weather. I work 50% at Linköping University and 50% at Calluna AB.



Victor Johansson, Philip Ström, Karl-Olof Bergman, Markus Franzén (2025) Flight behaviour of a threatened butterfly at edges between high- and low-quality habitat Journal of Insect Conservation, Vol. 29, Article 14 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Per Milberg, Karl-Olof Bergman, Niklas Jansson, Henrik Norman, Fia Sundin, Lars Westerberg, Victor Johansson (2024) Short Spatiotemporal Fire History Explains the Occurrence of Beetles Favoured by Fire Insects, Vol. 15, Article 775 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Lena Gustafsson, Jon Andersson, Mattias Jonsson, Mari Jonsson, Therese Lofroth, Joachim Strengbom, Jan-Olov Weslien, Victor Johansson (2024) Saproxylic beetles in Swedish boreal production forests in relation to local and landscape factors Journal of Insect Conservation (Article, review/survey) Continue to DOI
Markus Franzén, John Askling, Oskar Kindvall, Victor Johansson, Johanna Sunde, Anders Forsman (2024) Landscape properties and density dependence shape the movement patterns of three threatened butterflies Landscape Ecology, Vol. 39, Article 160 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Per Milberg, Markus Franzén, Amanda Karpaty Wickbom, Sabine Svelander, Victor Johansson (2024) Pollinator activity and flowering in agricultural weeds in Sweden Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 14, Article e11725 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
