
Viktor Larsson

Adjunct Associate Professor

The aim with my research and teaching is to increase the knowledge of how to build and control the motion systems of mobile working machines to minimize their energy consumption and negative environmental impact.




L. Viktor Larsson, Robert Lejonberg, Liselott Ericson (2021) Optimisation of a Pump-Controlled Hydraulic System using Digital Displacement Pumps International Journal of Fluid Power (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
L. Viktor Larsson, Liselott Ericson, Robert Lejonberg (2021) Control Optimisation of a Pump-Controlled Hydraulic System using Digital Displacement Pumps Proceedings of the 17:th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP’21, June 1-2, 2021, Linköping, Sweden (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


Robert Braun, Peter Nordin, Liselott Ericson, L. Viktor Larsson, Petter Krus, Maria Pettersson (2020) Hopsan: An Open-Source Tool for Rapid Modelling and Simulation of Fluid and Mechatronic Systems Proceedings of the BATH/ASME 2020 Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control (FPMC2020), Article FPMC2020-2796, V001T01A047 (Conference paper) Continue to DOI


  • Machine Elements – lesson assistant
  • Mechatronics – lesson assistant
  • Hydraulic Servo Systems – lesson assistant

Short facts

Academic Degrees

  • PhD degree in Fluid and Mechatronic Systems, LiU, Sweden, 2019

  • Licentiate of Engineering degree in Fluid and Mechatronic Systems, LiU, Sweden, 2017.

  • Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, LiU, Sweden, 2014.


Hydraulik och pneumatikföreningen, received a scholarship for best master’s thesis 2014. 

