
Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk


I am interested in questions concerning children, culture, and values across different contexts. Currently, in relation to corporate charity and cultural heritage.

Children, terrorism, and cultural heritage 

My current work is concerned with the intersection of child culture and cultural heritage of terrorism. Everyday things that we often associate with children and play - such as cuddly teddy bears, toys and hand-made drawings - are common objects to find on sites of spontaneous memorials and in other practices through which the publics commemorate victims of terrorist attacks. These things later may be collected and preserved at museums and archives and this way child culture becomes an ingrained part of cultural heritage. How can we make sense of the actually far-from-obvious connection between child culture, commemoration, and cultural heritage? This is one of the main questions I explore by studying two museum collections made in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in central Stockholm in April 2017. Ethical issues of working with archival material is another focus in the project.
This postdoctoral project is run in connection to the larger project Children's cultural heritage - the visual voices of the archive, see more information below.

Children and corporate charity "by kids, for kids"

I defended my PhD thesis Children helping children? Values and concerns in corporate charity in 2021. The thesis focuses on so called "cause-related marketing" campaigns where for-profit companies donate part of or entire turnover from the sales of a product to a charitable cause. I examined one such campaign, organized by the international furniture and home design company IKEA in collaboration with the international non-profit organization Save the Children. Through the marketing, the campaign is presented to the publics as an initiative where children help other children with imagination and design. The thesis argues that corporate charity invites many questions about how charitable campaigns are presented to consumers as charity and what counts as charity today. Larger questions about values ascribed to children also emerged in this empirical case given the framing of the campaign as an initiative "by kids, for kids".

The thesis combines two interdisciplinary fields - Child Studies and Valuation Studies which draws theoretically on Science and Technology Studies (STS).




Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Anna Sparrman (2024) Ethics in research practice: young people, pictures, and archives Archives and records, Vol. 45, p. 306-323 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Alex Orrmalm, Johanna Sjöberg, Anna Sparrman, Rebecka Tiefenbacher, Joel Löw, Johanna Annerbäck, Johanna Sköld, Emilia Strid, Sanna Hedrén, Lina Lago, Olga Anatoli Smith, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Alan Prout, Marek Tesar (2024) Centring children in research: A collaborative exploration into child-centredness as method and theory Child Studies, Vol. 6, p. 11-32 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk (2024) Exploring the taken-for-granted relationship between children's culture and the cultural heritage of terrorism Childhood (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Pål Aarsand (2024) Making and Knowing Digital Pictures: Young People Displaying Visual-digital Literacies Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anna Sparrman, Johanna Sjöberg, Yelyzaveta Hrechaniuk, Linn Köpsell, Karin Isaksson, Maria Eriksson, Alex Orrmalm, Päivi Venäläinen, Ylva Ågren, Natalie Coulter, Ulrika Kjellman, Pål Aarsand, Marek Tesar, Karen Sanchez-Eppler, Elizabeth Wells (2024) Archives and children's cultural heritage Archives and records, Vol. 45, p. 81-100 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


CV in short

  • 2022 Postdoc, Department of Child Studies, Linköping University
  • 2021 Doctor of philosophy, Linköping University
  • 2016 Master in Child Studies (2 years), Department of Child Studies, Linköping University
  • 2013 Master in philology, “Theory, history of literature and comparative literature”, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 2011 Bachelor in philology (linguistics and literature), National University of Kyiv-Mohyla academy, Kyiv, Ukraine


 I teach on several courses in the Master's programme in Child Studies; Primary School Teacher Programme with a specialization in Extended School Teaching; and Bachelor's programme in Urban and Regional Planning. I am also course coordinator for the stand-alone course Children, culture and leisure.

I also supervise student work on the bachelor and master levels.

Conference participation and other presentations

2023 Strimman lecture Barn, terror och kärnkraft(in Swedish) together with Karin Edberg. 

2022 open lecture in Studenthuset, Campus Valla War on Ukrainian cultural heritage.

2023 BIN Norden conference Child cultures: Landscapes for play, art and explorations, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway.

2023 Nordic research network on human-animal relations in children's literature, Linköping University.

2019 workshop Making culture: Children’s and young people’s leisure cultures, Kulturanalys Norden, Gothenburg.

2018 Network conference Nya vägar, nya perspektiv på barn- och ungdomsforskning?, Department of Thematic Studies - Child Studies, Linköpings universitet

2018 International Conference on Child and Teen Consumption Cultural and Creative Industries of Childhood and Youth, University of Poitiers and Angoulême, France.

2016 Nordisk forskarkonferens Med bilden i fokus, Svenska barnboksinstitutet, Stockholm.

2014 The Child and the Book conference Time, Space and Memory in Literature for Children and Young Adults, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens.



