The institutional board is the highest decision-making body at the Department of Culture and Society (IKOS). The board has overall responsibility for the department's undergraduate and graduate education and research.

The institution's board must, from an overall perspective, have oversight of all the institution's affairs and is responsible for the fulfillment of its tasks. The board must work for a close connection between research and education and for high quality in the department's operations.

The board 2024-2026

Ordinary members Deputies
Lars Jämterud, chairman Veronika Wallroth, deputy head of department
Michael Godhe András Szigeti
Elin Käck Johan Wänström
Birgitte Saxtrup Hermansson

Maria Björkman

Annika Taghizadeh Larsson Veerle Bergqvist, division of administrative support (VS)
Jonas Ramsten Elis Wibacke (doctoral student representative)
Elin Palm
Olav Nygård
Christian Svensson Limsjö
Ulrika Sund, division of administrative support (VS) Leelo Keevallik, deputy head of department
Carl-Wilhelm Siwers, (doctoral student representative) Sofie Gustafsson, secretary

Protocols and documents

Board members receive documents sent by e-mail by the secretary.

Employees can find the board's protocols at IKOS intranet pages.

