Collaborate transport planning and cost allocation

Transport trucks in city environment

Quantitative models and methods are developed for analysing, designing and evaluating logistics system with respect to collaborative transports among companies, e.g. in city logistics and in forestry transports.

Cost allocation models for collaborative transports describe how optimized costs and revenues are allocated among the participants of the system, and provide a basis for profitability calculations. The model used for transport optimization depends on the application.

For example, in city logistics a route planning model is commonly used, including data describing the infrastructure, customers, vehicle and cost data, as well as a description of transport-related policy measures (restrictions and incentives) applied in the city.  

The cost allocation model is based on concepts from cooperative game theory, fulfilling certain fairness criteria. The model includes the costs to be analyzed and describes opportunities and conditions for efficient collaboration between the participants.

Examples of research projects

  • Pooling: Integration and coordination in forestry transportation planning
  • Efficient City Logistics – A necessity for both industry and society
  • Integrated vehicle routing and cost allocation in city logistics
  • Business models for city logistics


  • VTI
  • EI/LiU
  • Skogforsk (the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden),
  • Swedish municipalities
  • Transport companies


  • Swedish Energy Agency
  • Vinnova
  • TRENoP
