Journeys - Safe and Informed Journeys through Barnahus

Gary John Norman

The overall objective of the JOURNEYS project is to contribute to improved access to child-friendly justice, protection and recovery for child victims and their families. The project will seek to improve practice through the provision of a safe, informed and participatory pathway through Barnahus with a focus on advocacy for the individual child.

About the Journeys Project


The overall objective of the Journeys project is to contribute to improved access to child-friendly justice, protection and recovery for child victims and their families through the provision of a safe, informed and participatory pathway through Barnahus from initial report to long-term recovery, with a focus on advocacy for the individual child.

The long-term effect of the project is expected to be the full realization of the rights of children who are victims of crime, with special attention to rights related to information, participation, recovery and support.

Target groups

  • Children (0-17 yrs), primarily those victims of crime
  • Authorities, practitioners and civil society organisations involved at Barnahus
  • Decision makers
  • Politicians
  • The wider public  


  • Working method child liason

  • App for children visiting barnahus
  • Child log
  • Engage children in child advisory board
  • Increase awareness of children's rights as victims of crime and Barnahu's role at all levels
  • Engage practitioners in transnational learning activities to achieve Barnahus quality throughout the EU
  • European end conference

Coming up: Journeys end conference

The end conference "Ensuring children's right to information and participation at Barnahus" will be a hybrid event taking place in Linköping on November 20, 2024.

We are happy to announce that Professor Laura Lundy at Queen's University of Belfast will join and speak at the conference.

Professor Laura Lundy dressed in purple cardigan in front of two book shelves.
Laura Lundy
The conference is aimed at European Barnahus professionals as well as authorities and non governmental organisations cooperating with Barnahus.


Read more and register here.

Download the full program here.

Journeys contact persons

Project partners

Logotype Save the Children on white bakground

Save the Children (Sweden)

Logotype Tüsla on white background

Tüsla Child and Family Agency

Logotype Terre des hommes white background

Terre des hommes (Hungary)

Logotype CBSS on white background

Council of the Baltic Sea States


Logotype Co-funded by the EU

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Justice Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.