Older workers and the digitalization of work in the Nordic countries - an exclusion and social risk perspective on late work

DigiNord - Older workers and the digitalization of work in Nordic countries.
Photographer: Lars-Christer Hydén

DigiNord is funded in 2021-22 by the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) within the exploratory workshop call 2020.

The network and workshop action DigiNord addresses aims at improving the understanding of how the digitalization of work affects older workers and late work. It takes an exclusion and social risk perspective on late working life and push the boundaries of current knowledge about the digitalisation of later working life.

About the project

The Nordic countries are currently experiencing an unprecedented shift with unknown outcome among their older workers. This shift is caused by the digitalization of work, which affects how and for how long older individuals can work. 

At a time where governments are encouraging older indi-viduals to retire at an older age, the digitalization of work both raises hope and causes concerns. However, empirical research into this shift is only just emerging.

The workshop series will guide researchers in their exploration of how the digitalization of work in the Nordic countries affects older workers, taking an exclusion and social risk perspective. It will explore what information currently exists on this topic, which new pieces of information are most crucial to filling the gaps in knowledge, and which research methods and data will most effectively generate these crucial pieces of knowledge. The workshops will guide this exploration through a dialogue across disciplines, across the Nordic countries, and between researchers, stakeholders and the public.

Read more on the University of Helsinki's website.

DigiNord partners

  • Kathrin Komp-Leukkunen, PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland (project leader)
  • Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Prof. Dr. phil., Linköping University, Sweden
  • Katharina Herlofson, PhD, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
  • Per Erik Solem, Prof. PhD, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway


Dis­cus­sion on COVID-19 pan­de­mic and it's ef­fects on older work­ers

Di­ginord work­shop 23.11.2021.

Annika Heuer from Linköping University and Jawaria Khan from the University of Helsinki discuss preliminary survey results on older workers' experiences of life changes related to COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch ithere, on the University of Helsinki's website.

Research on Ageing and Social Change

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