Postcolonial Feminisms

women with hoods

Why the non-Western gender movements and knowledges are still unknown in the global North? What are the main issues and agendas of the postcolonial and indigenous feminist thinkers and activists and how are they different from the euro-modern post-feminist climate? What are the main shifts in gender and sexual representations and (self)identifications that the internal and external others of modernity have undergone? How is it possible for the erased memories, knowledges and affects of the darker side of modernity to reemerge and reclaim their place in the pluriversal world? These and similar questions are addressed in decolonial feminist research.

Decolonial feminism critically analyses the power asymmetries, identifications, and stereotypes, as well as ways and strategies of resistance linked to the legacy of imperial-colonial relations, gender and sexual roles and hierarchies. It tackles the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, geopolitics and other aspects of inequality and discrimination both historically and in contemporary world. Rather than focusing on political decolonization, decolonial feminism problematizes the modern/colonial mechanisms and norms of knowledge production that are leading to naturalization of human hierarchies (racial, gender, sexual and other), economic exploitation, continuous epistemicide and colonization of life as such - both human and other. The concept of gender is deconstructed in decolonial feminism as a colonialist invention that ensures the continuing predominantly biological and heteropatriarchal interpretations of gender. Coloniality of gender as a key aspect of the colonial matrix of power in which modernity is grounded, allows decolonial feminism to join the colonial and the post-colonial past with the decolonial present in which the resistance to global power asymmetries and challenges is channeled through social movements, art and cultural initiatives and knowledge activism. Decolonial feminist research is inseparable from decolonial agency in which knowledge creation, ethics, politics and societal impact are all working together for the emergence of a positive re-existent model of being, thinking and acting in the world.
