Research Collaboration with the Royal University of Phnom Penh in Mathematics and Statistics

Meeting at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2019.
Meeting at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2019.

Our goal is to contribute to the development of Cambodia by increasing the knowledge in Mathematics and Statistics and their use in the private and public sectors and by conducting research in areas relevant to the country.

The Departments of Mathematics at Linköping University and the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Cambodia, are since 2019 partners in the sub-programme Capacity Building in Mathematics, Statistics and Its Applications. The sub-programme is part of the bilateral RUPP-Sweden Programme, a research training partnership programme funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The sub-programme is coordinated by the Department of Mathematics at LiU and the Department of Mathematics at RUPP. On the Swedish side, the collaboration also includes Stockholm University.

Building capacity for teaching and research in Mathematics and Statistics in Cambodia

The main goal of the sub-programme is to provide Cambodia with Master's graduates having a strong and broad background in Mathematics and Statistics. This is accomplished through training in new Master's programmes in Mathematics and Statistics at RUPP. Another goal is to increase the research output of the Departments of Mathematics at RUPP. For this, funds for research visits will be available, staff will be supported to participate in international conferences, and conferences and workshops will be arranged in Cambodia.

Achievements and goals


Through this collaboration, the capacity for teaching and research has been strengthened. Some examples of achievements are:

  • A Master's program in Mathematics at RUPP was developed in 2019 and training of the first batch of students is on-going. Recruitment of the second group will be done in 2020.
  • A Master's program in Statistics at RUPP was developed in 2020 and training in the program is expected to start in 2021.
  • A workshop on Data Science is being arranged in 2020.

Goal and objectives of the sub-programme

The sub-programme has the following long-term, all-embracing goal:

For the benefit of the country's and the region's development, to increase the knowledge in Mathematics and its use in the private and public sectors in Cambodia by improving the teaching and learning of Mathematics as well as conducting research in areas relevant to the needs of the society.

The long-term goal is supplemented by the following specific objectives:

  • To develop a Master’s programme in Mathematics of international standard by 2019 and to train two cohorts of students by 2022
  • To develop a Master’s programme in Statistics of international standard by 2020 and to train one cohort of students by 2022
  • To increase the quality and quantity of research by enhancing international collaboration and by establishing a conducive research environment
  • To collaborate with the private and public sectors in Cambodia and to conduct research in multidisciplinary projects at RUPP
  • To improve the gender balance in the department of mathematics at RUPP
