Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Mathematics plays a fundamental role in modern science and technology, but is also a scientific discipline.

The Department of Mathematics (MAI) is an department with about 100 employees and 4 divisions.

Research and teaching in the Department ranges over a wide spectrum from pure mathematics and scientifically generated approaches to applications within the fields of technology, science, economics, and mathematics education.

News from The Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Hand with IV on bed.

Cancer survivors are at increased risk of disease throughout life

A study, led by researchers at LiU and Region Östergötland, shows that cancer survivors are at greater risk for cardiovascular diseases, other cancers and other diagnoses later in life.

Jennifer Chepkorir

From poverty to independence and self-sufficiency

On behalf of the government and in collaboration with Sida, MAI and Linköping University create life-changing transformations for both individuals and the world. Jennifer is one who has created change for both herself and the future.

Kaj Holmberg and Roghayeh Hajizadeh

Optimizing of snow removal in cities

Researchers at the Mathematics Department of Linköping University have developed a mathematical model on how snow removal can be optimized in Swedish cities.

Research from The Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Group picture of Nageswari Shanmugalingam, Anders Björn, Jana Björn and Tomas Sjödin.

Nonlinear Potential Theory

The research group is mainly interested in analysis on metric spaces, and in particular nonlinear potential theory associated with p-harmonic functions and quasiminimizers in Euclidean and metric spaces.

Brachytherapy Treatment Planning-

Brachytherapy Treatment Planning

Our research on treatment planning for radiation therapy aims at obtaining better treatment outcomes and more efficient treatment planning at the clinic, by applying mathematical optimization on the multi-criteria treatment planning problem.

Reflection in the water.

Differential Equations and Analysis on Metric Spaces

Differential equations describe many real-world phenomena but can rarely be solved exactly. We therefore study properties of their solutions in other ways, in very general situations, similarly to creating an identikit of an unknown criminal.

Maths coach online - School collaboration in Mathematics

Doctoral studies in Mathematics

Education atThe Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Divisions at The Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Contact us at The Department of Mathematics (MAI)

Department management



Visiting address

Department of Mathematics, B Building, entrance 21-25, Campus Valla

Postal address

Linköping University
Department of Mathematics
581 83 Linköping

Student service desk

Department of Mathematics
B Building, entrance 23, Campus Valla

More about LiU and Campus Valla