Open Science promotes learning and innovation

Open Science involves working to make different parts of the scientific process and its results available. The focus is often on open publications (Open Access) or open research data (Open Data). Other frequently mentioned elements are open learning resources, open source, open peer review and citizen science.

From a societal perspective, open science is expected to be important in ensuring that society benefits from the scientific knowledge developed. In this way, open science is expected to promote learning and innovation. From an interdisciplinary perspective, open science in certain research areas is seen as a tool to make research transparent and thus prevent research misconduct and inefficient research processes. Demands from academic journals are also increasing for researchers to open up data and make it available to others via repositories.

Objectives for Sweden 2026

The government research policy bills Knowledge in collaboration - for society’s challenges and strengthened competitiveness (Govt. Bill 2016/17:50) and Research, freedom, future – knowledge and innovation for Sweden (Govt. Bill 2020/21:60) establish that publications and research data are to be open by 2026. As we move towards open science, openness will become the norm, while at the same time it will become clearer what should not be made openly accessible on ethical, legal, commercial and security grounds.

Objectives for LiU

To take advantage of the opportunities offered by an open science society, it is important that researchers receive appropriate support. At Linköping University, we work actively to ensure that researchers have the conditions to open up their research. For advice and support, please refer to the University Library’s pages on publishing agreements and open access, as well as on data management and data management plans. There is also the possibility to upload and share open learning resources.

To create good conditions for research of highest quality