HR Excellence in Research Award - HRS4R

Linköping University aims to be an internationally attractive employer, and we work actively towards creating a stimulating work environment and good conditions for our researchers. 

We value fair and transparent recruitment as well as positive professional development for researchers. The further development of working conditions for researchers is a long-term commitment in line with the University's goal of being an attractive employer.

The way forward

In line with the above, LiU is currently in the process of applying for the EU's HR Excellence in Research Award. Receiving the HR Excellence in Research Award shows that the University complies with the EU Charter & Code; for example, that we meet specific requirements as an employer and work systematically to improve our researchers' working conditions.

Higher education institutions that apply for the HR Excellence in Research Awards has agreed to implement the Charter and follow a process called Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, HRS4R. HRS4R ensures that the university lives up to the principles and works continuously to improve researchers’ working conditions and attractive career opportunities.

What is HRS4R?

The background for the introduction of the award was an ambition to establish a strong European area for research activities and to support, structure and strengthen research in Europe. The European Charter for Researchers consists of general principles and requirements concerning the role, responsibilities and rights of researchers, their employers, and funders. The guidelines for the recruitment of researchers consist of general principles and requirements that should be followed by employers and financiers when researchers are appointed or recruited.

Proposed action plan

To create good conditions for research of highest quality