A national research network
Around 1,500 researchers in 250 research groups at all of Sweden's major universities are affiliated with SciLifeLab. Through a career program, around 80 successful younger researchers have been recruited either as SciLifeLab fellows, DDLS fellows or WCMM fellows. They are part of Program for Academic Leaders in Life Science (PALS) and gain access to the SciLifeLab community, technologies and experts.
SciLifeLab organizes seminar series, workshops, symposia and other forums where researchers can meet, exchange knowledge and together drive the life sciences forward.
Technology-driven infrastructure
The infrastructure at SciLifeLab consists of technology experts and equipment distributed on ten platforms covering most of the research field of life science, ranging from the atomic level up to whole ecosystems. The platforms comprise roughly 40 separate units, all with their specific orientations around equipment and expertise. Some units are locally anchored, while others have users from all over Sweden nationally. Around 500 experts work here with 3,000 research projects per year.
SciLifeLab also has 4,000 participants in the Training Hub training program each year.
Data-Driven Life Science
Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is the third dimension of SciLifeLab. It is a national research program supported by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation with 3.1 BSEK during 12 years, 2021-2032.
Illustration of Data-Driven Life Science.
The program involves 400 data scientists in four strategic research areas: Cell- and Molecular Biology, Precision Medicine and Diagnostics, Evolution and Biodiversity, and Epidemiology and Biology of infection. Of the 39 future research leaders planned to be recruited, four will be at Linköping University. In addition, DDLS is recruiting PhD-students and postdoctoral fellows in academia and industry. To further strengthen interdisciplinary collaborations and innovations in data-driven life science a strong computational database for free accessible data is built.