SciLifeLab Linköping Organisation

Management group

In the management group for SciLifeLab Linköping, we work to facilitate communication between life science researchers at LiU and SciLifeLab's local units in Linköping, SciLifeLab nationally and centrally. We act as a discussion partner for LiU's leadership in matters affecting infrastructure in life sciences and monitor LiU's interests in national infrastructure, as well as make proposals to LiU's management on how LiU can develop and strengthen the research infrastructure. We spread information, make SciLifeLab visible and coordinate events, webinars, seminars and courses for researchers at LiU.

Steering group

SciLifeLab Linköping is part of a joint steering group together with the Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine at LiU (WCMM) and Data-driven life-science (DDLS), which is led by Vice Rector for Research Matts Karlsson.

The steering group's task includes deciding on matters within the operations of the three constituent units in Linköping, which includes, among other things, budget decisions and nominations. Furthermore, the steering group will work to strengthen existing research infrastructure and research networks in Linköping in the field of life sciences.

Co-opted to the steering group

The directors of SciLifeLab Linköping and WCMM as well as the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation's (KAW) observer with the right to attend and speak are co-opted to the steering group.

Infrastructure group

For SciLifeLab Linköping, an infrastructure group with representatives from all major research infrastructures and interest groups within life sciences in Linköping operates. The group is led by director Fredrik Elinder.


Fredrik Elinder,director

Josefine Sandström, coordinator

Colum Walsh, Clinical Genomics Linköping 

Tino Ebbers, Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)

Lena Thunell, Biobank Facility (BBF) and Forum Östergötland (FO) 

Henrik Gréen, National Board of Forensic Medicine (RMV)

Malin Larsson, National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) 

Maria Sunnerhagen, ProLinC/MOSBRI/SwedNMR  

Maria Lerm, Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS)

Björn Alling, National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)  

Vesa Loitto, Core Facility

Claes Lundström, Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA Data Hub)  

Joel Hedlund, AIDA Data Hub, ställföreträdande 

, Genomic Medicine Sweden-SydÖst och Region Östergötland (RÖ)

To be announced, Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE)