Byggmästare John Mattson Library is situated on Campus Lidingö, Stockholm, where Malmstens Linköping University is located. The library provides books and periodicals on furniture, wood, textiles, art, design and cultural heritage.

Byggmästare John Mattson Library (BJMB) is named after a donation from Building contractor John Mattson’s memorial foundation. Students and employees at Malmstens Linköping University have the option to check out library items while the general public is welcome to use BJMB as a reference library.

To search the collection, please use the library search engine UniSearch or the national catalogue LIBRIS.

Opening hours

For students and employees at Campus Lidingö, the library is open the same hours as the rest of the building.

External visitors are welcome on Wednesdays 1.00 pm to 5.00 pm.

More about Malmstens and Campus Lidingö

Other campus libraries


Contact and address information for Byggmästare John Mattson Library

Contact info

Byggmästare John Mattson Library


Phone: +46 (0)13-28 23 22

Visiting address

Byggmästare John Mattson Library

Campus Lidingö, Larsbergsvägen 8, Lidingö

Mailing Address

Biblioteket, Malmstens
Larsbergsvägen 8
SE-181 39 Lidingö, Sweden