The first workshop of the Smart City & Digital Sovereignty research network is over. The two days included presentations from the invited speakers on a wide range of issues related to data and our digital lives in smart cities.

In the afternoons we held a design fiction workshop and discussed the future directions for the network. Some of the themes addressed concern the visibility of bodies and invisibility of data in the smart city, the possibilities and tensions of co-creation and innovation within the public sector and city administrations and how we should understand digital sovereignty and how we can translate this into something accessible and applicable for smart cities and citizens.

The next event will take place June 13-14, 2022 in Norrköping, Sweden. If you want to know what is happening and participate in future activities – sign up with the network and stay up to date!


Welcome to Smart city and digital sovereignty, June 14-15, 2021. During two days we showcase a variety of studies and experiences of working with digital sovereignty in smart cities.

Every day when you move around your hometown, data about what you do and where you go are collected by smart city sensors. While individually they cannot tell much about who you are and what you do, taken together they can form patterns about your life and your habits far beyond what you can imagine. As more cities implement ‘smart’ technologies, the question of the data and information about citizens become more pressing.

This online workshop is organized by the Smart City and Digital Sovereignty Network, and brings together an interdisciplinary group of experts to exchange knowledge and practice. We welcome researchers, public employees and students with an interest in urban planning, digital geography, design, critical data studies, STS and technology to attend the workshop.

Speakers & Abstracts

Download abstracts

  • Irina Shklovski
    University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    To webpage
  • Anders Riel Müller & Jens Kaae Fisker
    University of Stavanger, Norway
    To webpage
  • Siren Hofvander
    Föreningen för Digitala Fri- och Rättigheter. To webpage
  • Olgerta Tona
  • University of Gothenburg, Sweden. To webpage
  • Kristiane Fjaer Lindland
    University of Stavanger, Norway
    To webpage
  • Ambra Trotto
    RISE & Umeå University, Sweden
    To webpage
  • Claudia Mendes Bernhard
    Technical University of Munich, Germany To webpage
  • Julia Valeska Schröder
    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
  • Heather Wiltse
    Umeå University, Sweden
    To webpage
  • Elizabeth Calderón Lüning
    Weizenbaum Institute, University of the Arts Berlin, Germany
    To webpage
  • Cory Robinson
    Linköping University, & Nordic Privacy Center, Sweden
    To webpage


Monday 14 June

Moderator: Katherine Harrison
9.00 – 9.15
9.15 – 9.45
Heather Wiltse (Experiencing the smart city)
9.45 – 10.15
Kristiane Fjaer Lindland (Handling paradoxes of co-creation in public sector: how can emergent bottom-up initiatives be supported in a structured regime?)

10.15 – 10.30

10.30 – 11.00
Irina Shklovski (The Perils of Visibility: What are the obligations and responsibilities of smart cities)
11.00 – 11.30
Cory Robinson (IoT and data consent: Privacy dilemmas arising from co-owned personal data in smart cities)
11.30 – 12.00

Tuesday 15 June

Moderator: Desiree Enlund
9.00 – 9.30
Olgerta Tona (Digitalization and Human Dignity)
9.30 – 10.00
Ambra Trotto (Design for Systemic Transformation, empowering towards Digital Ethics)

10.00 – 10.15

10.15 – 10.45
Claudia Mendes Bernhard (Prototyping publics for technical democracy? Challenges, frictions and openings in the co-creation of smart city infrastructures)
10.45 – 11.15
Julia Valeska Schröder (Urban digitalization as infrastructural institutionalization)

11.15 – 11.30

11.30 – 12.00
Elizabeth Calderón Lüning, (Digital Sovereignty on the Urban Scale: Learning from city activism in discussing democratic decision making in the digital policy field)
12.00 – 12.30
Anders Riel Müller & Jens Kaae Fisker (The Street Smart City: Justice and Participation in Smart City Projects)
12.30 – 12.45
Closing words


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