Welcome to a workshop New ways, new perspectives in child- and youth studies? The workshop takes place at Child studies, 6-7th December 2018 and is organized in collaboration with Child- and Childhood research network.

We are pleased to welcome Professor Celia Lury,Warwick University as Key note speaker.

The double force of inventive methods

Thursday November 6, 13.15-14.15 

"In the collection Inventive Methods, Nina Wakeford and I proposed that inventiveness of a method is to be understood in terms of a double force: that is, to both its ‘constitutive effects’ and its capacity to contribute to its own ‘generative circulation’. In short, that a method can be inventive is linked to the way in which it makes itself, and in this making produces relations beyond itself. In this paper, I will describe some of the ongoing changes in today’s knowledge infrastructure and explore the new opportunities and dilemmas involved in harnessing this double force. These include: shifting relations between autonomy and accountability; transformations in styles of reasoning; and changing cultures of contexting."


Tema Barn