
Karin Zetterqvist Nelson


My research concerns discursive constructions of child and youth mental health within growth of child psychiatry and child psychology as bodies of knowledge intertwined with the development of child and youth welfare and health services.

Mental health in childhood – social, cultural, and historical contexts 

My main research interest concerns child psychology and child psychiatry as professional and scientific bodies of knowledge in a historical and cultural perspective.

My research interests concern the historical development of Swedish child psychology and child psychiatry. Previously I’ve studied the growth of child psychiatric activities in Sweden, particularly focusing on treatment ideologies and child views. Currently I'm involved in an international research project studying attachment theory and how it has been disseminated and received in different European nation-states after WWII. Another research project of mine concerns how child psychiatric knowledge is communicated and interpreted in media 1968-2008. The main result of the project is presented in a doctoral dissertation (Peter Skagius).

Educational qualifications and interests

For ten years, I taught first and second-cycle Clinical Psychology at Linköping University. I supervised approximately twenty master's theses. For a period of four years I taught a course on relational social work on the Social Work programme. I also developed and assumed responsibility for a first-cycle course on sexuality and identity.

I have been a supervisor and examiner for the children's international master's programme, as well as coordinator for its introductory course (7.5 credits) and a course entitled Children's Health and Development in a Global World (7.5 credits).

I have taught third-cycle courses on the theoretical basis of child and childhood research while developing and implementing a number of doctoral courses: Children, Childhood and Health (7.5 credits), Discursive Psychology – Power, Positioning and the Creation of Subjectivity (7.5 credits), Qualitative Methods for Research on Clinical Psychology (7.5 credits), and a discursive course on theory and practice: Reading course for doctoral students on the theme of children (7.5 credits).



Mats Andrén, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (2024) Listening to children: theories and ethics of listening
Cecilia Lindgren, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (2024) "Nämen vadå, det är ju så här vi lever alltid": föräldrar till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar berättar om fritiden under covid-19-pandemin Barn, Vol. 42, p. 35-51 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Sivan Gal-Rosberg, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (2023) Un réseau d'expertise [A network of expertise]: À propos des connaissances co-construites dans les rapports d'évaluation des troubles du spectre de l'autisme [On intertwined knowledge in autism spectrum disorder assessment reports] Alter;European Journal of Disability Research ;Journal Europeen de Recherche Sur le Handicap, Vol. 17, p. 87-102 (Article in journal)


Mats Andrén, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (Editorship) (2022) Specialnummer: Att lyssna på barn
Mats Andrén, Karin Zetterqvist Nelson (2022) Introduktion: Att lyssna på barn - nya infallsvinklar, nya perspektiv Barn, Vol. 40, p. 1-7 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Research Projects



