Photo of MR radiographer injecting contrast agents during an exam in the MR scannerChrister Holm, modality manager MR

Affiliation of Researchers

The scientists that do research at CMIV are affiliated CMIV researchers. If you want to do research at CMIV you can apply for affiliation. Contact Maria Kvist and fill in the researcher application form. The scientific council will handle the application on the next meeting but Maria can provide a preliminary answer if all information is included in the form.

We also encourage you to enroll your PhD students in the CMIV research school.

CMIV Project Application

Before you begin your research at CMIV you need to have an approved CMIV project with a CMIV project number. The number is used for booking and billing and is important for the organization to run smoothly. To get your project approved and to receive a project number please fill in the administrative project application for MR or CT found below and send it to Maria Kvist. The scientific council will process the application at the next meeting but Maria Kvist can give a preliminary answer if the form is filled in correctly.

Administrative project application - MR

Administrative project application - CT
