Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV)


CMIV is a multidisciplinary research center initiated by Linköping University, Region Östergötland and Sectra AB.

CMIV conducts focused front-line research within multidisciplinary projects providing solutions to tomorrow’s clinical issues. The mission is to develop future methods and tools for image analysis and visualization for applications within health care and medical research.

CMIV is formally a center within Linköping University and is governed by its Board of Directors, with representatives from academia, health care and industry. The Scientific Council, appointed among the senior researchers affiliated with CMIV, manages the research agenda of CMIV.  The day-to-day operations of CMIV is handled by a group of core staff.


Photo of Erik Tesselaar

Musculoskeletal Imaging Using Photon-Counting Computed Tomography

Photo of part of the research group in front of the new photon counting detector comuputed tomography

Advanced CT Exams for Heart and Vessels

This flagship project combines mainly coronary artery morphology and cardiac function research with CT at CMIV.

Photo of Principal Investigator Rebecca Böhme and research assistant Morgan Frost Karlsson.

Experiencing the Self through Touch

Through functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) this project gathers information about the boundaries between the self and others and compares the outcome of the reactions of neurotypical volunteers with participants with a psychiatric disorder

Researchers around a computer.


Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA) is a national arena for research and innovation on analytic image-based diagnostics.

Become a Part of CMIV


Two researchers study a computer screeen and a magnetic resonance tomograph is seen through a window pane.

Disturbed blood flow can damage the aorta

Abnormal blood flow in the aorta is linked to inflammation and breakdown of the vessel wall in conditions where the aorta is dilated. These findings by LiU researchers can contribute to better diagnosis.

The image consists of two parts: four sections views of a brain on the one side and fous sections of another brain on the other side

Synthetic images can save a lot of time in healthcare

AI makes it possible to quickly and accurately mark areas to be eliminated with radiation when treating cancerous tumors. But due to lack of medical data to train AI models with, attempts are underway to train models with synthetic medical images.

Man framing an illustration of a heart with his hands.

“I want to learn as much as possible about how the body works.”

Tino Ebbers receives the 2024 Onkel Adam Prize for his outstanding research at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at LiU. His research is at the intersection of medicine and technology and focuses on diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Research School


Courses and Meetings

A Glimpse of CMIV

Instant Check of the Human Heart with Supercomputer

CMIV Researchers use information from computer tomography images to simulate the heart function of an individual patient. The modelling methods were originally developed in the motor industry, and the simulations are run at the National Supercomputer Centre at LiU.

From Research to Patient

Technology Close to Healthcare




Visiting Address

Campus US
From Entrance 1 (southern entrance):
Elevator A, floor 11
From Entrance 7 (northern entrance):
Elevator K, floor 11

Postal Address

Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization
Linköping University
University Hospital
581 85 Linköping



MR Specialists

CT Specialists

Photo of Petter Quick

Petter Quick


  • Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization

CMIV Researchers

Scientific Council
