The Swedish students are advised to make contact as soon as possible with the coordinator for students with disabilities at the University they are applying to. This is also essential advice for foreign students requiring educational support, both exchange students and free movers. Make contact as early as possible.

Each University and higher education institution offers educational support to students with disabilities. The assessment of support that may be required is made individually, taking into account the student’s abilities and disabilities in relation to the curriculum of the studies chosen.

The special needs students are entitled to the following services:

  • Support with note-taking by a fellow student
  • Talking books
  • Extra time during examination
  • Alternative examination forms decided by the examiner

Please note that we cannot assist you with accommodations, transport service, technical equipment, aids and assistance outside the University setting. This support is the responsibility of the Social Welfare System in the municipality of your residence. Please contact the municipality before you apply to the University.

Please contact your disability coordinator and/or the international office of your home University regarding the possibility to apply for an extra ERASMUS grant to cover eventual costs for support during the exchange.

You are also advised to contact the study counsellor at the department concerned and the coordinator of your exchange program to plan your studies at Linköping University.

More information

For more information, please contact the University coordinators for students with disabilities. You can also find more information at the national website.

Information about how university studies are organised in Sweden.

Contact Details

Campus Valla

Campus US, Norrköping and Lidingö

Anneli Högström


Tuesday-Wednesday and Friday at 08.30-9.30.

Further information about studying at LiU