This programme covers the entire product development cycle, from idea to the final product. With five specialisations and close industry collaborations, you will be qualified for work in any field of development, engineering or manufacturing.

Mechanical Engineering, Master's Programme

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Closed for late application

Mechanical Engineering, Master's Programme - Second admission round mainly for Swedish and EU/EEA students

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Mechanical engineers are expected to be creative, have broad knowledge and work as members of multidisciplinary teams. With this programme, you will become a problem-solver with a holistic perspective, ready to take part in today’s product development to create tomorrow’s sustainable society.

Five specialisations

The first semester consists of mandatory courses in mechanical engineering, such as fluid power systems, computational mechanics, deformation and fracture of engineering materials, and product development.

In the second semester, you may choose among five specialisations:

  • Applied Mechanics
  • Engineering Design and Product Development
  • Engineering Materials
  • Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechatronics

For further information, please see under “Specialisations” below.

Industry-related problems

Each specialisation has a major project course in the third semester, where you work with industry-related problems and apply knowledge obtained from the specialisation courses. This course prepares you for the master thesis project in the final semester. The thesis is usually written together with a fellow student in close collaboration with a company, either a small local business or a global industrial corporation like Siemens or Scania. The thesis project can also be performed as part of a research project here at Linköping University.

Syllabus and course details

A detailed syllabus, curriculum and information on courses, including literature, can be found in our Study Information database via the link below. For entry requirements and tuition fees, please click the ”Admission requirements” tab at the top of the page.


This master's programme offers five specialisations.

Applied Mechanics

Classical and modern applied mechanics with a strong focus on the modelling and simulation of solid mechanics, fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.

Further information about Applied Mechanics

Engineering Design and Product Development

Modern and advanced approaches in CAD, design optimisation and product development.

Further information about Engineering Design and Product Development

Engineering Materials

Deep knowledge about the behaviour of classical metallic engineering materials, but also plastics and new emerging materials.

Further information about Engineering Materials

Manufacturing Engineering

Covers aspects from supply chain level down to automation and manufacturing processes. You will also learn about the factories of the future.

Further information about Manufacturing Engineering


How to design and analyse controlled mechanical systems such as hydraulic systems.

Further information about Mechatronics


Play back our November 2022 webinar to learn more about the Mechanical Engineering programme. Associate Professor Mikael Axin and second-year student Sai Shridhar Chebolu cover the application process, courses, career opportunities, and student life in Linköping.

Career opportunities

After graduation, you will have great opportunities for employment in almost any sector of the engineering industry. You will be able to take part in multidisciplinary design processes, where technical as well as economic, environmental, and sustainability requirements are satisfied. You could also be involved with the generation, distribution, and use of energy; the design and development of machines, vehicles and transportation systems; or the processing of materials. In addition, you will be prepared for a research career.


Twan Bakker, current student

Aryan Delir, current student

Alumni insights


Two scientists in 3D-lab.

Additive manufacturing

3D-printing will have a huge impact on the manufacturing industry in the years to come, and a better understanding of the material properties of AM manufactured parts is vital to fully utilize the potential of this fairly new technology.

Simulation model of two different types of skiing techniques. With musculoskeletal modeling, the researchers can show how different muscles are activated.


What is the optimal pole technique in cross-country skiing? Why does the blood pressure increase with age? These questions and many more can be answered by applying fundamental principles from mechanics and thermodynamics. It´s done in biomechanics.

Deformation and life assessment models for cyclic operation.

High Temperature Mechanics

High Temperature Mechanics focus on load-carrying components in designs working at high, or very high, temperatures, primarily toward gas turbine applications.

Research news

Application and admission

Essential information

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