Detailed knowledge of proteins and other biomolecules is crucial to our understanding of living processes. By studying protein science, you will be prepared for challenges such as unveiling the molecular causes of disease, designing tools for early and reliable diagnosis, and finding effective therapies.

Protein Science, Master's Programme

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Closed for late application

Protein Science, Master's Programme - Second admission round mainly for Swedish and EU/EEA students

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

This master’s programme will give you deep insights into mechanisms of protein action, based on complex structural aspects and mediated through binding dynamics, selectivity, and catalytic function. You will also study pharmacology and drug development.

Strong research environment

The education is offered in an internationally successful research environment focusing on the behaviour of misfolded proteins causing neurodegenerative diseases, interaction patterns of cancer-related proteins, and design of antimicrobial peptides for replacement of traditional antibiotics. The courses are taught by teachers who are all active researchers, and are just as eager to share their expertise as they are responsive to student ideas.

Extensive lab skills

You will have access to large instrument facilities, giving you the opportunity to develop extensive lab skills and participate in exciting projects. You will also practice your communication and teamwork abilities. The programme concludes with a degree project carried out in close collaboration with researchers in academia or at a company.

Career opportunities

After graduation, your lab experience and thorough understanding of molecular interactions will open career doors to the life science industry and the growing area of biological pharmaceuticals, as well as to hospital laboratories and chemical analysis companies. You will also be qualified to continue your academic education towards a doctoral degree.


Pipette in chemistrylab.

Master’s programme in protein science now open for international students

Linköping University will open its Protein Science master’s programme to international students starting next year. The programme combines theoretical and practical components, with a heavy emphasis on laboratory work.

Linda – Sweden – Current student

Linda Sjöstrand, Protein Science student”I have always heard good things about Linköping University and this programme interested me, so it was a natural choice. I appreciate that courses are offered by two faculties, as this gives me a wider perspective on the role of proteins and how they are studied. What I like the most is the opportunity to do a 60 credits master’s thesis. I’m writing mine in collaboration with two research groups, and I’m having the time of my life!”


Application and admission

Application document checklist

  1. Diploma(s) of your degree(s) from an internationally recognized university, or a Final year certificate.
  2. Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If you have had courses credited/transferred from previous studies, you must also submit official transcripts for those courses.
  3. Proof that you meet the specific entry requirements, for example relevant pages of course syllabuses (course descriptions), if the required courses/subjects are not clearly stated on your transcript.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency.
  5. A copy of your passport.

Much of what you need to submit – and how – is based on where you completed your studies. Find out how to do things right on University Admission: Country instructions.

University Admissions: Provide application documents.

Letters of intent or recommendation are not required.

Essential information

Contact us

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Syllabus and course details

A detailed syllabus, curriculum and information on courses, including literature, can be found in our Study Information database via the link below. For entry requirements and tuition fees, please click the ”Admission requirements” tab at the top of the page.


Watch a webinar about the Protein Science programme, recorded in November 2020. It features Per Hammarström, Professor, and Johanna Hultman, recent alumna.