Learn how to evaluate and develop policies for some of the most pressing issues in society! You will study and practice ethics and philosophy of science to influence and develop policy on topics such as education, healthcare, risk management, taxation, and research.

Ethics, Science, and Policy, Master's Programme - First and main admission round

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Temporarily closed for late application as selection currently underway
Policy design has many different aspects that impact people and society. The world needs individuals like you who can connect facts and values, offering solutions to both common and complex problems. These skills are now more crucial than ever and form the core of our curriculum. By merging ethics, science, and policy, you study policy making and analyse arguments for and against proposals, strengthening the case for change. 

Core Skills Development

Evaluating and developing policies involves absorbing scientific findings for decision making, applying theoretical insights to practical situations, and understanding the consequences for those affected by policy implementation. The courses are structured to prioritise your development of essential skills in: 

  • summarising, critically examining and evaluating current research literature in areas relevant to policy development. 
  • describing and analysing philosophical concepts, theories, and problems relevant to the evaluation and use of research literature.
  • presenting research findings to a broad audience.
  • developing theoretically informed reasoning in specific problem areas related to philosophical issues in policy work.
  • formulating theory-based policy recommendations and assessments of a normative question in a particular policy area based on new research.

Diverse Policy Challenges

This combination of scientific theory and normative analysis extends to many different issues such as education, healthcare, risk management, the environment, finance, and many others. For example, we examine how to measure school results from a scientific perspective and delve into ethical questions from the philosophy of education and childhood. Another example is, we discuss designing healthcare policies when resources are scarce, which involves balancing values and the latest medical research. We will also deal with questions like what taxes are just, how should research on humans be regulated, and can restrictions on migration be justified? Each course delves into new policy issues and theories in ethics and the philosophy of science.

Who are you?

The programme is for those who have a bachelor’s degree and want to either develop or influence policy. If you join us with a specialisation in social or natural sciences, the programme provides the tools and knowledge to become a generalist regarding policy. If you have a background in ethics or philosophy, it provides you with an opportunity to put theory into practice. This diversity also means that you get to share in and challenge previously held ideas, perspectives, and experiences. You will also collaborate beyond the classroom, connecting with potential employers and researchers from various fields.

Syllabus and course details

In the first two semesters, students follow mandatory courses. During the third semester, you have the opportunity for individual specialisation through elective courses, studies abroad and internships. In the fourth semester, you write your master's thesis which allows further specialisation.

Further information

A detailed syllabus, curriculum, and information on the courses you may take can be found in our study information database via the link below. Entry requirements and tuition information can be found by selecting the drop-down ”Admission requirements” available under the Autumn 2025 tab.



In this webinar we talk about what it is like to study the two-year master’s programme in Ethics, Science and Policy. We discuss the contents of this interdisciplinary programme, eligibility and how to apply, as well as career opportunities after graduation.

Meet the programme director Lars Lindblom and current LiU student Garrance Coggins and hear what they have to say.

Exploring Ethics, Science and Policy with professors Harald and Erik

Professor Harald Wiltsche

Meet the expert, professor Harald Wiltsche, delve into his journey to academia and why the master's programme in Ethics, Science and Policy is relevant in today’s society.

Associate professor Erik Gustavsson

Meet the expert, associate professor Erik Gustavsson, delve into his journey to academia and why the master's programme in Ethics, Science and Policy is relevant in today’s society.

Career opportunities

Upon successful completion of studies, you will be well prepared for careers in various policy areas as well as eligible for further studies and research at doctoral level. Job market opportunities lie above all in planning, development, management, and evaluation work, e.g., in the private and public sector within both national and international organisations. Examples of activities where this profile is in demand are policy work within public activities, such as think tanks, municipalities, and regions. 



Application and admission

Application document checklist

  1. Diploma(s) of your degree(s) from an internationally recognized university, or or a Final year certificate.
  2. Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If you have had courses credited/transferred from previous studies, you must also submit official transcripts for those courses.
  3. Proof of English language proficiency.
  4. A copy of your passport.

Much of what you need to submit – and how – is based on where you completed your studies. Find out how to do things right on University Admission: Country instructions.

University Admissions: Provide application documents

Letters of intent or recommendation are not required.

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