The Philosophy and Applied Ethics Research Environment

abstract building
Photographer: Laurent Venerosy, Unsplash

The Philosophy and Applied Ethics provides an institutional framework for research in philosophy at Linköping University. The environment is characterized by an interdisciplinary focus and a strong interest in philosophical questions pertaining to the role of science in society broadly understood.

Our work falls into the two broad categories of practical and theoretical philosophy. Regarding the former, the environment has strengths in moral and political philosophy, meta-ethics, and applied ethics. In theoretical philosophy, we specialize in philosophy of mind and language, epistemology, metaphysics and philosophy of science.

In our interdisciplinary cooperations, we seek to account for the multi-faceted nature of science, technology and engineering by utilizing a variety of methodological approaches and by actively working together with a number of units at the Faculty for Arts and Sciences, the Faculty for Science and Engineering, and the Faculty for Medicine and Health Sciences.

We are especially proud of our collaborations with national and international partners such as, among others, the Program for Interdisciplinary Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

The Centre for Applied Ethics is part of the research environment, and we run an advanced research seminar series every term.




People talking at a seminar

The Higher Seminar for Philosophy and Applied Ethics

The Higher Seminar for Philosophy and Applied Ethics is the main platform for presenting research that is currently being undertaken by members of our group or by external guests. Anyone interested in philosophical questions is welcome.

Centre for Applied Ethics 

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