Our cities and regions are currently facing fundamental challenges related to climate change, globalisation, urbanisation, digitalisation and social inequality. Strategic urban and regional planning is one of the most powerful local instruments to (re)shape long-term urban and regional development and create sustainable cities and regions of tomorrow. 

Strategic Urban and Regional planning, Master's Programme - First and main admission round

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

The programme provides you with the opportunity to advance your knowledge about societal change and enhance your abilities to engage in complex planning processes and agendas, in collaboration with citizens and other stakeholders. It ranges across several fields and targets students wanting to develop an interdisciplinary perspective to current societal problems. The emphasis is on regional development challenges in European countries.

The programme offers training in urban and regional planning, with a focus on strategic urban and regional planning. Core elements are identifying and managing planning issues within complex social, environmental and economic realities. This helps you develop skills in conducting studies, formulating strategies and coordinating overall planning at various levels of society. Our teaching profile is integrated with advanced research in urban and regional planning. The programme offers direct contact with ongoing research and there is a close collaboration with public and private employers offering real-world learning opportunities. As a student you can tailor your studies in your area of interest, profession or field of expertise. During the third semester of the programme, you can choose elective courses, studies abroad and internships, at businesses, organisations, or research institutes in Sweden or abroad.

Future opportunities

The programme prepares you for a career as a planner; strategic planner, environmental strategist, plan manager, traffic planner, comprehensive planner, region developer, project management within urban planning or external analyst. You will be qualified for positions in regional associations, county councils, various government agencies, private enterprises, and non-profit organisations. You will also qualify for doctoral programmes.

Syllabus and course details

Course details

The programme runs over two years and encompasses 120 credits, including a thesis.

Semester 1 and 2

In the first two semesters the programme consists of compulsory courses (60 credits) characterised by both knowledge and skills within strategic urban and regional planning. The second term concludes with a course to prepare for writing a thesis in strategic urban and regional planning.

Semester 3

In the third semester, the programme allows students an individual specialisation through studies abroad, internships and elective courses. The elective courses give the student opportunities to deepen the students’ knowledge and skills in, for example, health, visualisation, foodscapes, urban sustainability, and the politics of planning. The internship can be performed in Sweden or abroad where the students carry out a specific task which links to the activities of the chosen organisation and the students’ future professional interests.

Semester 4

The topic of the master’s thesis is decided together with the supervisor. The master’s thesis shall be written within the main area of study, urban and regional planning and should integrate the knowledge, skills, and theoretical approaches garnered in the first three semesters.

Further information

A detailed syllabus, curriculum, and information on the courses you may take can be found in our study information database via the link below. Entry requirements and tuition information can be found by selecting the drop-down ”Admission requirements” available under the Autumn 2025 tab.


This webinar covers the programme structure, the master’s thesis, examination forms, job opportunities, related research, and what it’s like to live in Sweden.

Student insights

Young asian woman in a yellow shirt in front of palm trees and blue sky

Wenjing Wang, China

Planning for cities and dealing with the challenges of sustainability and climate transformation is very important under the circumstance of globalization. I would like to play a role in this process and plan for smart cities in the era of digitalization. Linköping University support me in this ambition. It provides med with the academic and theoretical knowledge and I have learned how to corporate with others by participating in the group works.

Alumni stories

News on the programme


Application and admission

Application document checklist

  1. Diploma(s) of your degree(s) from an internationally recognized university, or a Final year certificate.
  2. Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If you have had courses credited/transferred from previous studies, you must also submit official transcripts for those courses.
  3. Proof that you meet the specific entry requirements, for example relevant pages of course syllabuses (course descriptions), if the required courses/subjects are not clearly stated on your transcript.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency.
  5. A copy of your passport.

Much of what you need to submit – and how – is based on where you completed your studies. Find out how to do things right on University Admission: Country instructions!

University Admissions: Provide application documents

Letters of intent or recommendation are not required.

Related information

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