The Experimental and Medical Biosciences master’s programme prepares students for a scientific career within the broad field of the life sciences, with particular emphasis on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms related to health and disease.

Experimental and Medical Biosciences, Master's Programme (International admissions round)

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Experimental and Medical Biosciences, Master's Programme (National admissions round)

Autumn 2025 / Full-time / Linköping

Programme description

The Experimental and Medical Biosciences master’s programme has been designed to provide students with up to date knowledge in biomedicine and related subjects. It unites theoretical knowledge with practical skills, as is most clearly seen in the individual experimental projects offered for all students at the programme. The programme prepares students for a scientific career within the broad field of the life sciences, with particular emphasis on understanding cellular and molecular mechanisms related to health and disease.

Different areas such as cardiovascular biology, stem cells and applied regenerative medicine, immunology, infectious diseases, bioinformatics and neurobiology are covered. Scientific reasoning, ethical attitudes and multidisciplinary collaboration are given particular emphasis, in order to prepare students for an independent and professional career in biomedicine.

Courses are taught using several formats, including regular lectures, tutorial groups that apply problem-based learning (PBL), laboratory work and seminar discussions. The laboratory classes use powerful model systems to illustrate modern concepts of medical biology, and  the use of PBL promotes a deeper understanding, critical thinking and problem solving skills. After two initial, mandatory courses, elective courses offer individual study plans and flexibility in creating a profile that increases the employability of all students within the life sciences. 

Individual projects in which students apply their theoretical and methodological knowledge are key parts of the programme. During the first year, the project in Experimental and Medical Biosciences will allow students to work with  a specific research project for either ten or twenty weeks. During the second year, a one term degree project in medical biology (master’s thesis) is carried out. Both projects are chosen in collaboration with a supervisor, and the student’s aim is to define a research goal, carry out the experimental work and produce a written report that places the work in the context of current knowledge in the field. The projects are conducted in a research laboratory, either at Linköping University or at another Swedish or international university, in industry or in the public sector, allowing for high flexibility based on the student’s interests. 

Double‑degree programme

An extra feature of the programme is the possibility for a limited number of students to study in Vienna or Krems, Austria, during the second year. The collaborations with the universities in Austria not only offer new experiences and broadens networks, but also earns the selected students an additional master’s degree. 

Studies at the University of Applied Sciences, Technikum Wien are conducted within the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine programme, studies at IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems within the Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology master programme. Both programmes have a strong link to industry and offer students the possibility to write their thesis in industry or at other research institutes.

Studying at Experimental and Medical Biosciences

What is it like to study MSc Experimental and Medical Biosciences at Linköping University?

Meet international student Clara and hear what she has to say about the programme and life in Sweden.

Webinar Q&A

Webinar about the Master's programme in Experimental and Medical Biosciences at Linköping University.

Syllabus and course details

A detailed syllabus, curriculum, and information on the courses you may take can be found in our study information database via the link below.

Career opportunities

The Experimental and Medical Biosciences master's programme is designed to prepare students for careers in the pharmaceutical and health care industries. Graduates will be able to work in biomedical research settings, development or production companies, in the public sector or within academia, through PhD programmes.

Victor Silvestre Soto - alumnus

Victor Silvestre Soto, Life Science Consultant and alumnus from our Master's programme Experimental and Medical Biosciences. He graduated 2019 and is now working as validation lead at AstraZeneca.

Victor talks about the programme, his career and what he learned from his time at Linköping University. What is it like studying with students from all over the world? He also thinks you should be very proud as a graduate from Linköping University, a reputable university, and from this Masters programme.

Stories on the programme

Smiling woman with long hair and black turtleneck looks into the camera.
Anna Asratian, alumni. Photographer: Thor Balkhed

Kick-start your scientific career in biomedicine

“The best part was the variability and the possibility to form the programme to my interests. This programme offers a lot of labs and practical knowledge.

From my mentor, I got some really valuable feedback on how to think for my future career in research, both in regards to group dynamics within a research group, strategies to become a researcher and what to think about when entering a new research project. Join the frontline of knowledge in the field of biomedicine and kick-start your scientific career.”

Anna Asratian, Research Engineer, Linköping University

Male student in front of a glass wall looking to his right side.
Ibikari Allwell-Brown, international student. Photographer: Anna Nilsen

Embracing informal teaching and hands-on learning in Sweden

“When I decided to study in Sweden, I was impressed with the syllabus and course details of my programme at LiU. There was a large selection of courses available and the opportunity to tailor my study plan to suit my study goals.

The teaching style is informal as there is no hierarchy. It makes the lecturers more approachable. There is a lot of laboratory work, literature review and problem-based learning. We also get to oppose each other’s reports besides the review by an expert in the field. This has greatly improved my ability to create as well as analyse scientific reports.

The workload is often heavy, but the student services and facilities go a long way in making it easy to deal with the workload.”

Ibikari Allwell-Brown, international student


Application and admission

Application document checklist

  1. Diploma(s) of your degree(s) from an internationally recognized university, or a Final year certificate.
  2. Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree. If you have had courses credited/transferred from previous studies, you must also submit official transcripts for those courses.
  3. Proof that you meet the specific entry requirements, for example relevant pages of course syllabuses (course descriptions), if the required courses/subjects are not clearly stated on your transcript.
  4. Proof of English language proficiency.
  5. A copy of your passport.

Much of what you need to submit – and how – is based on where you completed your studies. Find out how to do things right on University Admission: Country instructions

University Admissions: Provide application documents

Letters of intent or recommendation are not required.

All you need to know about studying at Linköping University

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