Agnes Löfgren

Associate Professor

Voice, language and body as resources for aesthetic negotiations during opera rehearsals

My research focuses on how the participants of an opera ensemble deploy different communicative strategies to create an opera performance, particularly how voice is used in different ways to contribute to meaning making in interaction. With the aid of multimodal interaction analysis, I examine the relationship between voice and other semiotic resources such as language, body and gaze.

I examine the descriptive and depictive strategies that the participants deploy during scenic opera rehearsals, when embodied dramatic actions are being created, to negotiate the aesthetics of the performance, and how voice may figure in these negotiations. Although in the final performance, the dramatic actions are to be coordinated with song, my research shows how other vocal approaches may be opted for during the rehearsals (for instance non-lexical vocalizations, spoken or approximated libretto text or descriptive language). How are these vocal approaches used in the interaction and what does that tell us about the phenomenon of voice?

My PhD is a part of the Non-lexical vocalizations project, led by professor Leelo Keevallik. The aim of the project is to examine the distinctions between language and non-language as well as language and the body.



Leelo Keevallik, Emily Hofstetter, Agnes Löfgren, Sally Wiggins Young (2024) Repetition for real-time coordination of action: Lexical and non-lexical vocalizations in collaborative time management Discourse Studies, Vol. 26, p. 334-357 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Agnes Löfgren (2023) Relocating to Depict: Managing the Interactional Agenda at Opera Rehearsals Research on Language and Social Interaction, Vol. 56, p. 209-230 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Agnes Löfgren (2023) Bodies to suit the music: Depictions in opera rehearsals
Agnes Löfgren, Emily Hofstetter (2023) Introversive semiosis in action: depictions in opera rehearsals Social Semiotics, Vol. 33, p. 601-620 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Emily Hofstetter, Leelo Keevallik, Agnes Löfgren (2021) Suspending Syntax: Bodily Strain and Progressivity in Talk Frontiers in Communication, Vol. 6, Article 663307 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

Löfgren, A. (2020). Song versus talk during depictions in proposal sequences at opera rehearsals – Intersubjectivity and vocal modality. European Conference on Conversation Analysis. June 30, 2020, online.

Löfgren, A. (2019) Mixing song and speech when proposing at opera rehearsals. 5th Copenhagen Multimodality Day, 4 October, Copenhagen.

Löfgren, A. & Hofstetter, E. (2019). Depiction vs. rehearsal: Comparing how professional musicians use depictive playing and rehearsal playing. 12th ILL, May 3-5, Lund.



I am teaching at the Speech and Language Pathology programme at Linköping University and I am course coordinator for the course Speech and Language Imparitments in Children I (30 ECTS).



Bachelor’s degree in French and Linguistics, Uppsala university. 
Master’s degree in Speech and Language Pathology, Uppsala university. 

Professional experience as a certified speech and language pathology in developmental and acquired language disorders and bilingualism. 

Background in music. 

Voluntary work 

PhD board member of the Postgraduate Studies Board at Linköping University. 


PhD Supervisors
