Photo of Ahmed Kaharevic

Ahmed Kaharevic

PhD student

I am a doctoral student in political science. My I research is about how digitalisation changes the relationship between people, politics, and society. My dissertation is about participation and digital inclusion in marginalized Swedish suburbs.

Digitalization – Opportunities and risks

Digital participation is not only a leverage but also a prerequisite for being able to participate in society and politics. There are high hopes for what can be achieved with digitalisation, and high ambitions in politics, but in order to harness the opportunities of digital transformation, people need to be digitally included.

Digital inclusion in the suburb

What experiences of and attitudes towards digital participation are there in the suburbs? What does political participation look like in a digital society? How are public e-services used? These questions embrace my research interest. In various projects, together with colleagues and other collaboration partners, these issues are examined using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Examples of projects:

Within the framework of a planning project funded by Formas "A digitally sustainable society for all?", a field study in a Swedish suburb was conducted. The field study included, among other things, a survey with 92 questions about digital participation and participation in general.
Within the framework of a collaboration with the Swedish Media Council, a project is being implemented that aims to explore media usage and attitudes among young people in the suburbs.

SeGRID – Sustainable eGovernment for Resilient and Innovative Democratic public administration

Together with colleagues, I organize and implement a school for politicians, civil servants, and civil society representatives from countries in the Baltics, Western Balkans, and EU Eastern Partnerships. The school is funded by the Swedish Institute.

About SeGRID



Ahmed Kaharevic, Elin Wihlborg (2024) Facilitating Digital Citizenship in the Western Balkans Through Digital Inclusion Digitalization and Democracy in the Western Balkans, p. 16-24 (Chapter in book)


Tanja Paneva, Ahmed Kaharevic (2023) In E-Government We Trust? Correlating Factors of E-Government Use in the Western Balkans and EU Countries Balkan Social Science Review, Vol. 22, p. 293-319 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Ahmed Kaharevic, Elin Wihlborg (2023) Fler sidor av digital medieanvändning bland unga i bostadsområden med socioekonomiska utmaningar: En forskningsöversikt och diskussion om metoder genomförd på uppdrag av Statens medieråd


Ahmed Kaharevic, Helena Iacobaeus, Mariana S. Gustafsson (2022) Ideology and technology mediated participation: Digital citizenship ideals in the Swedish welfare state


Ahmed Kaharevic, Karin Skill (2021) Digital Citizenship in a Swedish Marginalised Neighbourhood: Different attitudes to and experiences of digital inclusion and eHealth eJournal of eDemocracy & Open Government, Vol. 13, p. 31-70 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
