
Andreas Larsson


The main part of my work circles around taking part in building networks, plan and implement educations and seminars.

A big part of my work at NATDID concerns educational development in order to help teachers to transfer research into

The main part of my work circles around taking part in building networks, plan and implement educations and seminars. Another important part of the work is keeping up to date with the latest research in educational science.



Andreas Larsson, Andreas C. Göransson, Ammie Berglund (2024) Inledning - Biologididaktik för lärare Biologididaktik för lärare: Exempel från forskning och skolpraktik, p. 1-4 (Chapter in book)
Andreas Larsson, Andreas C. Göransson, Ammie Berglund (Editorship) (2024) Biologididaktik för lärare: Exempel från forskning och skolpraktik
Andreas Larsson, Emelie Fälton, Karin Stolpe (2024) The discourse on technological literacy: exploring visual representations enabled by the visual cultures of four Swedish vocational education and training programmes Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 16, Article 13 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Karin Stolpe, Andreas Larsson (2024) (Dis-)continuity between educational levels: Classrooms and materials as prerequisites for technology education Revisioning STEAM education in times of Climate Change (Conference paper)
Andreas Larsson, Karin Stolpe (2024) Exploring the metaphoric nature of programming teachers reflections on action-a case study with teaching in mind International journal of technology and design education, Vol. 34, p. 585-602 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

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