
András Szigeti


Contemporary moral philosophy, aesthetics and the history of philosophy

I am a Senior Lecturer in Practical Philosophy. I have previously worked at the Arctic University of Norway (Tromsö), the University of Lund, the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, and studied at the University of Oxford, the Central European University (Budapest), and the University of Basel. I specialize in action theory, emotion theory and the ethics and metaphysics of individual and collective responsibility. I teach moral philosophy, aesthetics, practical philosophy broadly construed, and the history of philosophy.

Responsibility, emotions and groups

My two areas of research are moral responsibility, especially collective responsibility, and the philosophy of emotions. Within the first area, my work has mainly focused on the question whether groups can act and whether they can be held responsible as groups. My recent work has taken up problems such as collective epistemic agency and group-level causation. My other research project studies the connection between emotions and values. Among others, I have written about emotional aspects of forgiveness and the relevance of emotion-based arguments to the possibility of moral dilemmas.


Publication list in DiVA


András Szigeti (2024) The heuristics theory of emotions and moderate rationalism Philosophical Psychology, Vol. 37, p. 861-884 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


György Barabas, András Szigeti (2023) Using Quotas as a Remedy for Structural Injustice Erkenntnis, Vol. 88, p. 3631-3649 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
András Szigeti (2023) Ethical Theory and Moral Practice: Preface to Issue 26/2, May 2023 Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Vol. 26, p. 167-168 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


András Szigeti, Matthew Talbert (Editorship) (2022) Morality and Agency: Themes from Bernard Williams
Martin Berzell, András Szigeti (2022) Om Martin Hägglunds förslag på en radikal sekulär tro i This Life Radikalism: perspektiv på radikala uttryck och handlingar inom konst, filosofi och religion, p. 256-270 (Chapter in book)

Selected publications

Research project 

Associate director of the Moral Responsibility Research Initiative at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, and Theory of Science, Göteborg University.

 To the Gothenburg Responsibility Project.

Research group

Member of the Metaphysics and Collectivity Research Group working in the intersection between metaphysics, mereology, social ontology, philosophy of action and moral philosophy. The group's research focuses the nature of collectives and social entitites, such as organizations, associations, and informally organized groups.

To the Metaphysics and Collectivity Research Group.


Academic degree

PhD, Central European University, 2008


Social media

