With extensive experience in emergency medical care for children and adolescents, I have concentrated my research on the problem areas that I have encountered in my clinical practice. I have used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Today I work both clinically and as a researcher at the Children's Allergy Clinic at the Allergy Center in Linköping and as a Research Developer at the Medical Center in Linköping.

Charlotte Angelhoff
I am a specialist nurse in paediatrics for children and adolescents. I am also a doctoral student. My research area is the quality of sleep, stress and mood of parents when their children need medical care.
The children and family in focus
My research interest concerns children and young people and their families based on the concept of child- and family-centred care with a focus on experiences of care/nursing, sleep, stress and other quality of life factors that can affect the health of the child and the family.
I did my doctorate in 2017 with the thesis "What about the parents? Sleep quality, mood, saliva cortisol response and sense of coherence in parents with a child admitted to pediatric care”. For me, the child and the family are primary and the diagnosis is secondary.
With extensive experience in emergency medical care for children and adolescents, I have concentrated my research on the problem areas that I have encountered in my clinical practice. I have used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Today I work both clinically and as a researcher at the Children's Allergy Clinic at the Allergy Center in Linköping and as a Research Developer at the Medical Center in Linköping.
With extensive experience in emergency medical care for children and adolescents, I have concentrated my research on the problem areas that I have encountered in my clinical practice. I have used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Today I work both clinically and as a researcher at the Children's Allergy Clinic at the Allergy Center in Linköping and as a Research Developer at the Medical Center in Linköping.

