Photo of Ann Catrine Eldh

Ann Catrine Eldh


Implementation science is about e.g. barriers and facilitators to knowledge implementation, in short and long term perspectives. My research is about the engagement of leaders, staff and patients in implementation processes in healthcare.


Two central research areas for safe health care of good quality.

Securing quality in health care – what can be more important? In my research, this is about identifying barriers and facilitators to evidence-based practice and collaboration between stakeholders – as well as investigating interventions to secure that the health care provided is based on the best available knowledge. As a consequence, my research corresponds to two related fields within caring science: knowledge implementation and patient participation.

Knowledge implementation and patient participation – partners for the future

Patient participation and knowledge implementation highlights are: what is evidence, and which interventions works in what context, in order to overcome the lack of correspondence between what may be established practice and what is recognised to be best practice in health care. These are important questions to secure evidence-based practice, during and following a change, where staff, managers and patients and their next of kin ought to have opportunities to participate.


Cover of publication ''
Ann Catrine Eldh, Liselott Arestedt, Carina Berterö (2020)

International Journal of Qualitative Methods , Vol.19 Continue to DOI

Cover of publication ''
Ann Catrine Eldh, Marie Holmefur, Kristina Luhr, Marika Wenemark (2020)

BMC Health Services Research , Vol.20 Continue to DOI


Bo Kim, Marcel Yotebieng, Ann Catrine Eldh (2024) Hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial designs-critical assessments, innovative applications, and proposed advancements FRONTIERS IN HEALTH SERVICES, Vol. 4, Article 1414969 Continue to DOI
Erika Fjordkvist, Ann Catrine Eldh, Madeleine Winberg, Eva Joelsson-Alm, Maria Halleberg Nyman (2024) First-line managers' experience of guideline implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of Advanced Nursing Continue to DOI
Katarina Åsberg, Ann Catrine Eldh, Marie Löf, Marcus Bendtsen (2024) "Simply complicated": Uncovering the processes of lifestyle behavior change among college and university students with access to a digital multiple lifestyle intervention Digital Health, Vol. 10, Article 20552076241245905 Continue to DOI
Hanna Vestala, Marcus Bendtsen, Patrik Midlov, Karin Kjellgren, Ann Catrine Eldh (2024) Effects of an interactive web-based support system via mobile phone on preference-based patient participation in patients living with hypertension - a randomized controlled trial in primary care Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care Continue to DOI


Ann Catrine Eldh, Maria Hälleberg-Nyman (2023) Kunskapsbaserad omvårdnad och implementering Kvalitetsutveckling inom omvårdnad, p. 129-162


Knowledge implementation

A central aspect of evidence-based practice

The potential difficulties in facilitation knowledge translation are well known but an increased focus on implementation science scaffolds opportunities to improve healthcare services. The theories, models and frameworks aid a further understanding of barriers and facilitators for more evidence-based practice. The knowledge of which methods to use in different contexts is also growing even if there is still a need for research on improvement processes, to ensure sustainable implementation. 

Patient participation and healthcare improvements

Personcentred patient participation requires a mutual respect of knowledge and experiences. To enable healthcare interactions with such conditions, there is a need for innovative strategies and tools. Previously, I developed and validated a tool for preference-based patient participation – The 4Ps (acronym for Patient Preferences for Patient Participation). In current studies we test strategies to implement preference-based patient participation, and the 4Ps is also used to follow-up on clinical interventions. The 4Ps is available for research and clinical purposes following an agreement with me.

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