Photo of Anne Fältström

Anne Fältström

Affiliated Researcher

I work clinically at the Rehabilitation Centre, Ryhov County Hospital, Jönköping. I am also a teacher at the Division of Physiotherapy. My research is focused on patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries and reasons for reinjuries.

Anterior cruciate ligament injury and football is not a good combination

In my research I mainly study football players with an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and the occurrence of reinjuries.

The goal is to find risk factors with the ultimate goal of preventing reinjuries in the future. I also study factors that influence whether the athlete return to sports after injury or not. Another interest is to strengthen rehabilitation after injury and to find functional tests that can be used to evaluate athletes/patients in the clinic so return to sport will be as safe as possible.

I´m teaching at Physiotherapy Programme.



Anna Samuelsson Selin, Håkan Gauffin, Henrik Hedevik, Anne Fältström, Joanna Kvist (2024) More knee reinjuries after ACL reconstruction compared to nonsurgical treatment of the ACL. A 2-year follow-up of the NACOX prospective cohort study Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anne Fältström, Martin Hägglund, Joanna Kvist (2024) Male football players have better patient-reported outcomes after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction compared with females BMC SPORTS SCIENCE MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, Vol. 16, Article 199 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anne Fältström, Timmy Gustafsson, Nils Warnsberg, Sofi Sonesson, Anna Hermansen (2024) Athletes' perspectives on return to sport after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and their strategies to reduce reinjury risk: a qualitative interview study BMC SPORTS SCIENCE MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, Vol. 16, Article 131 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Press and media

British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) 

