Photo of Anna Malmquist

Anna Malmquist

Associate Professor, Docent

Families beyond heteronormativity

In family research, families are generally understood as changeable. Families develop as we live our daily life together as family members. However, the Family - with capital F - can also be understood as normative ideal, to which actual families relate. Norms concerning gender, heterosexuality, parenting and childhood are particularly central in forming our understanding of the Family. Gender theory, queer theory and childhood studies are central perspectives in family research - and not the least for my research on lesbian and gay families.

I am associate professor in social psychology, engaged in family research. I earned my PhD in 2015 and have subsequently been involved in several different research projects. My main research areas are lesbian and gay parenting, and fear of childbirth in gender and sexual minority people. I am also involved in research on minority stress, traumatic birth experiences, children’s emotion socialization, climate adaptation effects on vulnerable groups, internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy, and covid-19 lockdown effects on LGBTQ youths.

I mainly teach at the Psychologist programme and other courses in psychology and behavioural sciences. My teaching areas are mostly related to my research interests: gender psychology, lgbtq psychology and qualitative methods. I give lectures, lead seminars, assess exams and other student tasks and develop new courses and tasks.




Tove Lundberg, Anna Malmquist, Matilda Wurm (2024) Exploring reflexive methodology as a pluralist approach to enhance mixed methods research on coping and livability among LGBTQ people in Sweden Qualitative Research in Psychology Continue to DOI
Hanna Grundström, Anna Malmquist, Katri Nieminen (2024) Factors related to a positive childbirth experience - a cross-sectional study Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Continue to DOI
Veronica Della Casa, Anna Malmquist, Selene Mezzalira, Marina Miscioscia (2024) The Role of Family Support for the Well-Being of Italian LGBTQ plus Young Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study LGBTQ FAMILY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL Continue to DOI
Veronica Della Casa, Alessio Gubello, Anna Malmquist, Selene Mezzalira, Marina Bonato, Alessandra Simonelli, Michela Gatta, Marina Miscioscia (2024) Minority Stress, Self-Awareness, and Coping Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Italian Transgender Young Adults Healthcare, Vol. 12, Article 132 Continue to DOI


Anna Malmquist, Mattias Hjerpe, Erik Glaas, Tora Lundgren, Per Gyberg, Sofie Storbjörk (2023) Jag drabbas - det här får kommunen lösa: En intervjustudie med svenska villaägare som påverkats av översvämningar från skyfall Sociologisk forskning, Vol. 3-4, p. 275-298 Continue to DOI

