
Anton Zubayer

PhD student

Investigating polarised neutron relfectometry. Depositing multilayers using sophisticated DC-magnetron
sputtering systems. Analysing them using XRD, XRR, XPS, EDX, SEM, TEM,
MOKE, SQUID and ultimately Neutron Reflectivity and Diffraction.


My position involves synthesis and development of multilayer-based optics for neutron polarization at neutron sources such as e.g. the European Spallation Source (ESS).

Synthesis is performed by ion-assisted magnetron sputter deposition with a particular emphasis at the formation of the multilayer interfaces.

Process development, plasma analysis, analysis of magnetic properties, and structural and chemical characterization of the multilayers by techniques such as X-ray reflectivity, transmission electron microscopy, and photoelectron spectroscopy are important components of the project.

In addition, neutron reflectivity measurements at the Institute Laue Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France, or other neutron facilities, will be performed. Modelling and simulation of X-ray and neutron reflectivity is included in the work tasks to reach an increased understanding of the multilayer morphology.

I am very open for any type of collaborations and always open to learn!





Anton Zubayer (2025) Fe-based Polarizing Multilayer Neutron Optics


Anton Zubayer, Naureen Ghafoor, K. A. Thorarinsdottir, A. Glavic, J. Stahn, G. Nagy, A. Vorobiev, F. Magnus, Jens Birch, Fredrik Eriksson (2024) Increased neutron reflectivity and polarization of neutron-optical engineered Fe/11B4CTi multilayer optics Physical Review B, Vol. 110, Article 155408 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sjoerd Stendahl, Naureen Ghafoor, Anton Zubayer, Marcus Lorentzon, Alexei Vorobiev, Jens Birch, Fredrik Eriksson (2024) Material design optimization for large-m 11B4C-based Ni/Ti supermirror neutron optics Materials & design, Vol. 243, Article 113061 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Sjoerd Stendahl, Naureen Ghafoor, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Anton Zubayer, Jens Birch, Fredrik Eriksson (2024) Morphology of Buried Interfaces in Ion-Assisted Magnetron Sputter-Deposited 11B4C-Containing Ni/Ti Multilayer Neutron Optics Investigated by Grazing-Incidence Small-Angle Scattering ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 16, p. 22665-22675 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Anton Zubayer, Naureen Ghafoor, Kristbjoerg Anna Thorarinsdottir, Sjoerd Stendahl, Artur Glavic, Jochen Stahn, Gyula Nagy, Grzegorz Greczynski, Matthias Schwartzkopf, Arnaud Le Febvrier, Per Eklund, Jens Birch, Fridrik Magnus, Fredrik Eriksson (2024) Reflective, polarizing, and magnetically soft amorphous neutron optics with 11B-enriched B4C Science Advances, Vol. 10, Article eadl0402 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI

