
Bo Persson

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Division

My research focuses on local and regional governance, challenges in intermunicipal cooperation, and the political economy of education and skill formation.


Research projects

Intermunicipal cooperation - an appropriate response to local government austerity?
Funded by The Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas)

Education policy as an instrument for regional development policy: Intermunicipal cooperation in vocational education and training
Funded by the Centre for Local Government Studies


Persson, Bo & Elin Backström (2022a), "Hållbara strukturer för mellankommunal samverkan? En studie av kommunalförbund inom gymnasieutbildningsområdet." Linköpings universitet (CKS-rapport 2022:2), Centrum för kommunstrategiska studier (CKS).

Persson, Bo & Elin Backström (2022b), ”Svenska kommuners samverkan om gymnasieskolan: drivkrafter, förutsättningar och hinder”, Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 99(1): 1-26.

Hermelin, B. & B. Persson (2021). Regional governance in second-tier city-regions in Sweden: a multi-scalar approach to institutional change. Regional Studies, Epub ahead of print 25 March 2021, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2021.1896693

Persson, B. & F. Kitagawa (2021), “Decentralisation and Reconfiguration of Multilevel Research Policy: The Case of Sweden” i T. Bergström, J. Franzke, S. Kuhlmann, och E. Wayenberg, E. (Red.) The Future of Local Self-Government: European Trends in Autonomy, Innovations and Central-Local Relations. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Persson, B., Hermelin, B. (2020), “Decentralised cooperation between industries and local governments in a statist skill-formation system: an analysis of industrial schools in Sweden.”, Journal of Vocational Education & Training, DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2020.1829007

Sandberg, Johanna, Bo Persson och Peter Garpenby (2019), “The dilemma of knowledge use in political decision-making: National Guidelines in a Swedish priority-setting context”, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 14 (4), s. 425-442.

Persson, B. and B. Hermelin. (2019), “Näringslivets roll inom yrkesutbildningen – en analys av två industrigymnasier.” i J. Syssner (red.) Ett nytt kontrakt för samhällsbyggande, Boxholm: Linnefors förlag.

Persson, B. and B. Hermelin. (2018),“Mobilising for Change in Vocational Education and Training in Sweden: A Case Study of the ‘Technical College’ Scheme.” Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 70 (3): 476–496.

Persson, Bo (2018), "Interests, ideas, and legacies of the past: Analyzing the positions and strategies of Swedish policy actors in the establishment of the European Research Council”, European Educational Research Journal, 17 (3): 404-420.

Persson, Bo (2018), Kommuner som forskningspolitiska aktörer: En jämförelse mellan Norrköping och Örebro. Centrum för Kommunstrategiska studier (CKS), rapport 2018:10, Linköpings universitet.

Persson, B. (2017), “What shapes research policy at the local government level? The establishment of a research fund in a Swedish municipality”, The Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 21 (4): 77-96.

Johansson, Jörgen, Lars Niklasson & Bo Persson (2015), "The role of municipalities in the bottom-up formation of a meta-region in Sweden”, The Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 19 (4): 71-88.

Persson, Bo (2012), “Constructing an innovation policy agency: The case of the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems”, i A. Rickne, S. Laestadius & H. Etzkowitz (red.) Innovation Governance in an Open Economy: Shaping Regional Nodes in a Globalized World, London: Routledge.

Publications in DiVA