
Bo Persson

Senior Associate Professor, Head of Division

My research focuses on local and regional governance, challenges in intermunicipal cooperation, and the political economy of education and skill formation.

Governance in transition

Public policy and governance have undergone significant changes in recent decades. Increasingly, they are characterized by collaboration between various public agencies and levels of the political system, as well as between public and private actors. My teaching and research focus on understanding the driving forces and challenges within these processes of change.


In recent years, my research has primarily focused on:

  • the drivers and conditions for inter-municipal collaboration,
  • the organization and governance of municipal and regional development policy, and
  • challenges in collaboration between public actors and the business sector in the area of vocational education.

Previously, I have also conducted research on the governance and organization of research and innovation policy. My research is informed by theoretical perspectives emphasizing the importance of institutions in shaping and organizing public policy and administration. I conduct my research at the Division of Political Science within the Department of Management and Engineering (IEI) and the Centre for Municipality Studies (CKS).

Research Projects

  • Educational Policy as a Tool in Regional Development Policy: Municipalities and Regional Collaboration on Vocational Education
    Funded by the Centre for Municipality Studies (CKS)
  • Inter-Municipal Collaboration – An Effective Response to the Challenges of the Municipal Sector?
    Funded by Formas


My teaching focuses on Swedish politics and public administration, policy analysis, research policy studies, and methodology. I am also actively involved as a supervisor in both doctoral and undergraduate programs and teach across a wide range of undergraduate courses.



Bo Persson, Brita Hermelin, Elin Backström (2025) Developing city-regional governance capacity: the case of skill formation in the Gothenburg city-region European Planning Studies (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Bo Persson (2024) Exploring regional aspects of intermunicipal cooperation: an analysis of municipal federations for upper secondary education in Sweden Territory, Politics, Governance (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Johan Wänström, Bo Persson (2024) Local governments on an equal footing? Policy coordination between Swedish regions and municipalities in regional development policy Regional & Federal Studies, Vol. 35, p. 733-756 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Brita Hermelin, Bo Persson (2024) Local development policy in a societal crisis: municipal-industry dialogues in Sweden during Covid-19 Territory, Politics, Governance, Vol. 12, p. 1585-1600 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Bo Persson, Elin Backström (2022) Svenska kommuners samverkan om gymnasieskolan: Drivkrafter, förutsättningar och hinder Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, Vol. 99, p. 1-26 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bo Persson, Elin Backström (2022) Hållbara strukturer för mellankommunal samverkan?: En studie av kommunalförbund inom gymnasieutbildningsområdet
Bo Persson, Brita Hermelin (2022) Decentralised cooperation between industries and local governments in a statist skill-formation system: An analysis of industrial schools in Sweden Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 74, p. 645-663 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Brita Hermelin, Bo Persson (2021) Lokala näringslivspolitiska strategier: Oreglerat men förväntat i mellanlandet mellan ekonomi och politik
Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Zeth Isaksson, Bo Persson (2021) Mellankommunal samverkan: vad är känt om dess effekter?: en inventering av kunskapsläget
Brita Hermelin, Bo Persson (2021) Regional governance in second-tier city-regions in Sweden: a multi-scalar approach to institutional change Regional studies, Vol. 55, p. 1365-1375 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bo Persson, Fumi Kitagawa (2021) Decentralisation and reconfiguration of multilevel research policy: the case of Sweden The future of local self-government: European trends in autonomy, innovations and central-Local relations, p. 173-184 (Chapter in book) Continue to DOI


Bo Persson, Brita Hermelin (2019) Näringslivets roll inom yrkesutbildningen: En analys av två industrigymnasier Ett nytt kontrakt för samhällsbyggande, p. 103-123 (Chapter in book)
Johanna Sandberg, Bo Persson, Peter Garpenby (2019) The dilemma of knowledge use in political decision-making: National Guidelines in a Swedish priority-setting context Health Economics, Policy and Law, Vol. 14, p. 425-442 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Bo Persson (2018) Kommuner som forskningspolitiska aktörer: En jämförelse mellan Norrköping och Örebro
Bo Persson, Fumi Kitagawa (2018) De-centralization and re-configuration of multi-level science and innovation policy: The UK and Swedish experiences
Bo Persson, Brita Hermelin (2018) Mobilising for change in vocational education and training in Sweden: a case study of the 'Technical College' scheme Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol. 70, p. 476-496 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Bo Persson (2018) Interests, ideas and legacies of the past: Analysing the positions and strategies of Swedish policy actors in the establishment of the European Research Council European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 17, p. 404-420 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Bo Persson (2017) What Shapes Research Policy at the Local Government Level?: The Establishment of a Research Fund in a Swedish municipality Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 21, p. 77-96 (Article in journal)
Bo Persson, Lars Niklasson, Jörgen Johansson (2017) Kommunernas betydelse för regional utveckling i en storregion: drivkrafter och hinder i ett underifrånperspektiv Regionala tillväxtpolitiska utmaningar – behov av strukturreformer och nya samverkanslösningar?, p. 38-47 (Chapter in book)


Bo Persson, Lars Niklasson, Jörgen Johansson (2015) The Role of Municipalities in the Bottom-Up Formation of a Meta-Region in Sweden Offentlig Förvaltning. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 19, p. 71-88 (Article in journal)
Bo Persson, Josefina Syssner (2015) Lokal forskningspolitik: ett nytt kommunalt politikområde?


Jörgen Johansson, Lars Niklasson, Bo Persson, Niklas Sjöstrand (2014) "Kommunernas region": Kommunernas inflytande i en sydsvensk storregion Behöver vi en sydsvensk region?: Tio röster om möjligheter och fallgropar för medborgare, vård, näringsliv, politik och utveckling, p. 91-112 (Chapter in book)
Bo Persson (2014) Research policy at the local level of government: The establishment of a research funding organization by the municipality of Norrköping in Sweden


Bo Persson (2012) Path Dependency and Incremental policy change: The Reform of Applied Research Institutes in Sweden

