
Carlo Navarra

Research Engineer



Fuxing Wang, Aitor Aldama-Campino, Danijel Belušić, Jorge H. Amorim, Isabel Ribeiro, Lotten Wiréhn, David Segersson, Ralf Döscher, Carlo Navarra, Tina-Simone Neset, Petter Lind (2025) Interactions of urban heat islands and heat waves in Swedish cities under present and future climates Urban Climate, Vol. 59 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Tina-Simone Neset, Katerina Vrotsou, Lotta Andersson, Carlo Navarra, Fredrik Schück, Magnus Mateo Edström, Caroline Rydholm, Clara Greve Villaro, Kostiantyn Kucher, Björn-Ola Linnér (2024) Artificial Intelligence in Support of Weather Warnings and Climate Adaptation Climate Risk Management, Vol. 46, Article 100673 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Tina-Simone Neset, Lotta Andersson, Magnus Matteo Edström, Katerina Vrotsou, Clara Greve Villaro, Carlo Navarra, Kostiantyn Kucher, Fredrik Schück, Caroline Rydholm, Jonas Unger, Björn-Ola Linnér (2024) AI för klimatanpassning: Hur kan nya digitala teknologier stödja klimatanpassning?
Elias Elmquist, Kajetan Enge, Alexander Rind, Carlo Navarra, Robert Höldrich, Michael Iber, Alexander Bock, Anders Ynnerman, Wolfgang Aigner, Niklas Rönnberg (2024) Parallel Chords: an audio-visual analytics design for parallel coordinates Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Katerina Vrotsou, Carlo Navarra, Kostiantyn Kucher, Igor Fedorov, Fredrik Schück, Jonas Unger, Tina-Simone Neset (2023) Towards a Volunteered Geographic Information-Facilitated Visual Analytics Pipeline to Improve Impact-Based Weather Warning Systems Atmosphere, Vol. 14, Article 1141 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI





AI4ClimateAdaptation explores the capacity of AI-based image processing and text mining to contribute to evaluating the accuracy of the national system for impact-based weather warnings and to contribute to the development of the system.

Mobil phone


This project is an European project with partner institutes in Portugal, the Netherlands and Norway, aiming to co-design and assess participatory risk management systems to support urban climate resilience.

City, nature and water.

Visual Water

Heavy rainfall is causing  damage in urban built environments and are expected to be further intensified due to climate change. We develop an interactive visualization platform to support cities in sustainably addressing such climate related risks.



Fuxing Wang, Aitor Aldama-Campino, Danijel Belušić, Jorge H. Amorim, Isabel Ribeiro, Lotten Wiréhn, David Segersson, Ralf Döscher, Carlo Navarra, Tina-Simone Neset, Petter Lind (2025) Interactions of urban heat islands and heat waves in Swedish cities under present and future climates Urban Climate, Vol. 59 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Tina-Simone Neset, Katerina Vrotsou, Lotta Andersson, Carlo Navarra, Fredrik Schück, Magnus Mateo Edström, Caroline Rydholm, Clara Greve Villaro, Kostiantyn Kucher, Björn-Ola Linnér (2024) Artificial Intelligence in Support of Weather Warnings and Climate Adaptation Climate Risk Management, Vol. 46, Article 100673 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI