Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research, CSPR

About us

CSPR is a platform for collaborative knowledge production and dissemination to trigger and promote societal changes towards safe and just climate futures for all. Our goal is to create knowledge and methodological approaches that can support and advance national and international climate actions.

Researchers at the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research (CSPR) study the challenges of climate change mitigation, adaptation and sustainability transformations. CSPR research encompasses global to local scales, from UN climate conferences to local governments and citizens.

We develop, share and apply insights and approaches from political science, geography, environmental humanities, visualization and communication, physics, environmental and sustainability science.

A word cloud in green
The word cloud is based on the abstracts of the new CSPR-projects of 2022 and 2023.

Social Media

Reports and Briefs

Cover of publication 'Swedish climate aid in transition?'
Veronica Brodén Gyberg, Mathias Fridahl (2025)
Cover of publication 'Co-production of Climate Services: A diversity of approaches and good practice from the ERA4CS projects (2017–2021)'
Maria Máñez Costa, Amy M. P. Oen, Tina-Simone Schmid Neset, Loius Celliers, Mirko Suhari, Jo-Ting Huang-Lachmann, Rafael Pimentel, Berill Blair, Jelmer Jeuring, Ernesto Rodriguez-Camino, Christiana Photiadou, Yairen Jerez Columbié, Chuansi Gao, Nicu Constantin Tudose, Sorin Cheval, Athanasios Votsis, Jennifer Joy West, Kaylin Lee, Len Shaffrey, Cornelia Auer, Holger Hoff, Inga Menke, Peter Walton, Susanne Schuck-Zöller (2022)

Latest publications

Cover of publication ''
Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Alexandra Buylova, Björn-Ola Linnér (2025)

Earth System Governance , Vol.23 Continue to DOI

Climate focus


CSPR 20 years!

Participants at the 20 year anniversary of CSPR in Norrköping in August.

Associate professor Jonathan Josefsson against a grey sky.

14 November 2024

Unequal conditions for young people at UN climate summits

Today, young people can participate in major UN climate conferences. But inequality and bureaucracy make this impossible for many. This is the conclusion of a study carried out at Linköping University.

Rinata Kazak looking down at her jacket.

28 October 2024

LiU researcher ahead of UN climate summit - "I’m optimistic"

Azerbaijan will host the International Climate Summit this year. Although the country is heavily dependent on its oil production, holding the meeting there could actually be an advantage, according to Rinata Kazak, who will represent LiU.

CO2 written in cloud letters on a blue sky.

29 May 2024

Risky path to meeting climate targets for Stockholm

Stockholm aims to capture more carbon dioxide than is emitted by 2030. Therefore, the city is investing in new technology. But it is a strategy that has been adopted without sufficient discussion of the risks, says researchers at LiU.

Norrköping Decision Arena
