
Charlotte Löthman

PhD student



Charlotte Löthman (2024) The Swedish Preschool as an Integration Arena
Charlotte Styrenius Löthman, Tünde Puskas (2024) Pathways to educational integration: affordances and constraints on migrant children's participation in Swedish preschool teaching activities Early years (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Charlotte Styrenius Löthman (2023) Managing newly arrived childrens double transition: Towards inclusionary practices in rural Swedish preschools Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Charlotte Löthman (2022) Från monolog till dialog: Integration av nyanlända familjer i landsbygdsförskolor
Charlotte Styrenius Löthman, Tünde Puskas (2022) On the way towards integration?: From monologic to dialogic encounters in Swedish rural preschools European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol. 30, p. 529-542 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI