Corinna Kruse

Associate Professor, Docent

My research focuses on knowledge. How is it produced, cooperated on, and moved between contexts? My empirical fields have been (and are) genetic research, forensics, and crime scene technicians’ training.

Knowledge, Production and Movement

In the past few years, I have focused on the production and movement of knowledge in the form of forensic evidence. I have followed forensic evidence through the Swedish criminal justice system, from the crime scene to the courtroom, and I have studied crime scene technicians’ training. There, I have been able to analyze the negotiations and translations necessary for forensic evidence to move between so disparate professions as police investigators, forensic scientists, prosecutors, and crime scene technicians without losing meaning.

I the new project, I will – together with my coparticipants – widen the focus and study the negotiations and translations that make the movement of knowledge between contexts possible in other fields, namely veterinarian forensics, occupational health services, and parental education.

We want to develop a vocabulary with which to understand, talk about, and facilitate the movement of knowledge.



Corinna Kruse (2023) Swabbing Dogs and Chauffeuring Pizza Boxes: Crime Scene Alignment Work and Crime Scene Technicians' Professional Identity Science & Technology Studies, Vol. 36, p. 62-79 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Corinna Kruse, Jenny Gleisner, Hannah Grankvist (2023) Introduction: Alignment Work for the Movement of Knowledge Science and Technology Studies, Vol. 36, p. 3-10 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Corinna Kruse, Antti Silvast (2023) Alignment Work and Epistemic Cultures Science and Technology Studies, Vol. 36, p. 80-89 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Corinna Kruse, Jenny Gleisner, Hannah Grankvist (2021) Alignmentarbete: Det kontinuerliga arbetet för kunskapsförflyttning
Corinna Kruse (2021) Attaining the Stable Movement of Knowledge Objects through the Swedish Criminal Justice System: Thinking with Infrastructure Science & Technology Studies, Vol. 34 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Corinna Kruse (2016) The social life of forensic evidence
Victor Toom, Matthias Wienroth, Amade Mcharek, Barbara Prainsack, Robin Williams, Troy Duster, Torsten Heinemann, Corinna Kruse, Helena Machado, Erin Murphy (2016) Letter: Approaching ethical, legal and social issues of emerging forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) technologies comprehensively: Reply to Forensic DNA phenotyping: Predicting human appearance from crime scene material for investigative purposes by Manfred Kayser in FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS, vol 22, issue , pp E1-E4 Forensic Science International: Genetics, Vol. 22, p. E1-E4 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Corinna Kruse (2015) Being a crime scene technician in Sweden A World of Work: Imagined Manuals for Real Jobs, p. 86-101 (Chapter in book)


Boel Berner, Corinna Kruse (Editorship) (2013) Knowledge and evidence: investigating technologies in practice
Corinna Kruse (2013) The Evidence That Doesn't Lie: CSI and Real-Life Forensic Evidence Anthropology Now, Vol. 5, p. 1-8 (Article in journal)

Research Projects

New Book


Selected Publications

"Being a Crime Scene Technician in Sweden" in Ilana Gershon (ed)  A World of Work - Imagined Manuals for Real Jobs. Cornell University Press.

"The Bayesian approach to forensic evidence: Evaluating, communicating, and distributing responsibility." Social Studies of Science 43(5): 657-680.

"Producing Absolute Truth: CSI Science as Wishful Thinking." American Anthropologist 112(1): 79-91.


CV in short

Docent (Reader) in Social Anthropology, Linköping University

PhD in Technology and Social Change from Linköping University  

MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology from Hamburg University 


  • Antroforum (Coordinator) 
  • P6:Body, Knowledge, Subjectivity
