
Daniel Bozi


I am lecturer at the Division of Analysis and Mathematics Education (ANDI).

Lecturer at the Division of Analysis and Mathematics Education

I am lecturer at the Division of Analysis and Mathematics Education (ANDI) at the Department of Mathematics (MAI).

I have a PhD in mathematical physics: Finite Energy Electronic Correlations in Low-Dimensional Systems, Portugal (2006). Keyword descriptions of my research:

  • Theoretical condensed matter
  • Integrable systems e.g. Bethe Ansatz systems
  • Symmetries of many-body hamiltonians in low dimensions
  • Exotic and non-perturbative properties in low dimensional mathematical models e.g. the study of excitation spectra at all energy scales
Matematical graphs
A density plot of the experimentally obtained ARPES dispersions of TTF-TCNQ, together with the line features of the pseudofermion representation of the 1D Hubbard model. Original picture from R. Claessen, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 096402-1 (2002), with theoretical line-results from Daniel Bozi overlayed (see e.g. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 022205).

CV in brief


  • Master in Mathematical Physics, Göteborg University, 1999
  • PhD in Mathematical Physics, Universidade do Minho and Instituto Tecnico Superior, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006
  • Master of Arts in Upper Secondary Teaching of Mathematics and Physics, 2012
  • Pedagogical teaching certificate for teaching at university level, 2021

Work experience

  • Post-Doc in mathematical physics, CSIC-ICMM, Madrid, Spain 2006-2008
  • Post-Doc in mathematical physics, Donostia International Physics Centre, San Sebastián, Spain 2008-2009


  • Upper secondary Teacher according to:
    - Swedish curriculum, including Lead-Teacher responsibilities (Förstelärare): 2012-2014, 2017-2020,
    - International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP): 2014-2017,
    - New York Common Core standards (NY-CC): 2014-2017
