
Daniel Bozi


Jag är universitetsadjunkt på avdelningen Analys och didaktik (ANDI).

Universitetsadjunkt på Analys och didaktik

Jag är universitetsadjunkt på avdelningen Analys och didaktik (ANDI) på Matematiska institutionen (MAI).

Jag har doktorsexamen i matematisk fysik: Finite Energy Electronic Correlations in Low-Dimensional Systems, Portugal (2006). Nyckelord om min forskning (in English):

  • Theoretical condensed matter
  • Integrable systems e.g. Bethe Ansatz systems
  • Symmetries of many-body hamiltonians in low dimensions
  • Exotic and non-perturbative properties in low dimensional mathematical models e.g. the study of excitation spectra at all energy scales
Matematical graphs
(In English:) A density plot of the experimentally obtained ARPES dispersions of TTF-TCNQ, together with the line features of the pseudofermion representation of the 1D Hubbard model. Original picture from R. Claessen, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 096402-1 (2002), with theoretical line-results from Daniel Bozi overlayed (see e.g. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 022205).

Kortfattat CV (på engelska)


  • Master in Mathematical Physics, Göteborg University, 1999
  • PhD in Mathematical Physics, Universidade do Minho and Instituto Tecnico Superior, Lisbon, Portugal, 2006
  • Master of Arts in Upper Secondary Teaching of Mathematics and Physics, 2012
  • Pedagogical teaching certificate for teaching at university level, 2021

Work experience

  • Post-Doc in mathematical physics, CSIC-ICMM, Madrid, Spain 2006-2008
  • Post-Doc in mathematical physics, Donostia International Physics Centre, San Sebastián, Spain 2008-2009


  • Upper secondary Teacher according to:
    - Swedish curriculum, including Lead-Teacher responsibilities (Förstelärare): 2012-2014, 2017-2020,
    - International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP): 2014-2017,
    - New York Common Core standards (NY-CC): 2014-2017
