Analysis and Mathematics Education (ANDI)

The Division of Analysis and Mathematics Education conducts both interdisciplinary and applied research in various branches of analysis and didactics of mathematics.

For applied mathematics, the goals are to introduce mathematical methods and theories to already existing areas in science and technology, as well as to develop tools for solving new problems.

Mathematics, and mathematical analysis, has a natural and important place in many of Linköping University's educational programs, especially the master programs in engineering, and the division's teaching consists of basic, as well as advanced, courses in mathematics for these students.

Didactics of mathematics studies different aspects and conditions for teaching and learning mathematics and is an important element in teacher education. It is therefore natural to have activities in didactics of mathematics at the Department of Mathematics to ensure that both the didactic and mathematical content are of high quality in this area.


Doctoral studies in Mathematics

Contacts at the Division of Analysis and Mathematics Education (ANDI)


Visiting address

Department of Mathematics, B Building, entrance 21-25, Campus Valla

Postal address

Linköping University
Department of Mathematics
581 83 Linköping


New Publications


Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Andreas Christensen (2024) Poincaré inequalities and Ap weights on bow-ties Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 539, Article 128483 Continue to DOI
Jennifer Chepkorir (2024) Regularization methods for solving Cauchy problems for elliptic and degenerate elliptic equations
Peter Frejd, Pauline Vos (2024) The spirit of mathematical modeling-a philosophical study on the occasion of 50 years of mathematical modeling education The Mathematics Enthusiast, Vol. 21, p. 269-300 Continue to DOI
Vladimir Kozlov (2024) On the first subharmonic bifurcations in a branch of Stokes water waves Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 379, p. 676-720 Continue to DOI


Jennifer Chepkorir, Fredrik Berntsson, Vladimir Kozlov (2023) Solving stationary inverse heat conduction in a thin plate Partial Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 4 Continue to DOI
Aksel Bergfeldt, Salvador Rodriguez-Lopez, David Rule, Wolfgang Staubach (2023) MULTILINEAR OSCILLATORY INTEGRALS AND ESTIMATES FOR COUPLED SYSTEMS OF DISPERSIVE PDES Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Continue to DOI
Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Juha Lehrback (2023) Volume growth, capacity estimates, p-parabolicity and sharp integrability properties of p-harmonic Green functions Journal d'Analyse Mathematique, Vol. 150, p. 159-214 Continue to DOI
Vladimir Kozlov (2023) The subharmonic bifurcation of Stokes waves on vorticity flow Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 361, p. 183-218 Continue to DOI
Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck, Takashi Kawakami (2023) The relationship between mathematical modelling, statistics, and statistical modelling Advancing and Consolidating Research on Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education – Approaches from ICME 14, p. 293-309 Continue to DOI
Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Visa Latvala (2023) The Dirichlet Problem for p-minimizers on Finely Open Sets in Metric Spaces Potential Analysis, Vol. 59, p. 1117-1140 Continue to DOI