
Daniel Kindström


I am a professor of industrial marketing at LiU and in my current research I focus on proactive market strategies and the impact of digitalization on customer value co-creation. I am also interested in servitization and SME-growth.


Daniel Kindström is Professor of Industrial Marketing at Linköping University and is active in the Center for Business Model Innovation (CBMI) and is the director of the Center for Applied Research in SMEs (CAM). Daniel’s research primarily revolves around market shaping, the impact of digitalization on customer value co-creation, and the implementation of proactive market strategies. He is also interested in research within the areas of the servitization of manufacturing industries and sustainable SME growth.

Currently he is involved in research focusing on digitalized customer journeys, growth strategies in SMEs, and on proactive market shaping looking at how companies can shape their markets in order to enable new value (co-)creation practices. He has published extensively in journals such as Journal of Service Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research and Journal of Service Management, as well as several books and book chapters. Daniel has furthermore been invited as a key note speaker at several conferences and company workshops.

He is an editorial board member of the Journal of Business Research and the Journal of Service Management and has been the project leader for several large multi-actor projects involving multiple industrial companies, as well as researchers and institutions.

Areas of Specialisation

  • Servitization
  • Business model innovation
  • The impact of digitalization on customer value co-creation
  • Market shaping / Proactive market strategies

Selected research projects

  • Supply chain business models for energy management (EU)
    Responsible for work package and senior member, 2024-2027
  • Digitalization for Growth (Erik Johnsson)
    Project leader, 2020-2025
  • Proactive market shaping (Riksbanken)
    Project leader, 2019-2021
  • Hidden champions in Swedish industry (Vinnova)
    Project leader, 2018-2020
  • Growth-leadership in SMEs (Tillväxtverket, EU)
    Project leader, 2016-2019
  • Custoval – Developing World-class
    Customer Value (Vinnova)
    Project leader, 2013-2016
  • Energy Services (Energimyndigheten)
    Project leader, 2012-2014

  • Service innovation (Vinnova)
    Project leader, 2012- 2013
  • Flexkraft – Flexible business models (Vinnova)
    Co-project leader, 2007-2009
  • DiNO – Developing Industrial Offerings (Vinnova)
    Project leader, 2004-2006


Daniel's teaching is primarily carried out in the area of digital business models, B2B-marketing, market strategies, and business model innovation. In this he has developed several new courses and serves in several administrative positions at various Master’s programs at Linköping University. He is primarily teaching at the Master’s level, including the supervision of master theses. In addition Daniel also teaches doctoral courses and supervises several doctoral candidates.



Lisa Lundin, Daniel Kindström (2024) Managing digitalized touchpoints in B2B customer journeys Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 121, p. 88-99 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Daniel Kindström, Per Carlborg, Tomas Nord (2024) Challenges for growing SMEs: A managerial perspective Journal of small business management (Print), Vol. 62, p. 700-723 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Lisa Lundin, Daniel Kindström (2023) Digitalizing customer journeys in B2B markets Journal of Business Research, Vol. 157, Article 113639 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Daniel Kindström, Hannu Makkonen, Valtteri Kaartemo (2023) Delineating the fuzzy front end of market shaping Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 112, p. 51-59 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


Harald Brege, Lisa Lundin, Daniel Kindström (2022) Multiactor touchpoints in the customer journey