
Davide Sangiovanni

Associate Professor, Docent

I am associate professor and docent. My research aims at understanding electronic mechanisms and atomistic phenomena that control the mechanical properties, phase transformations, and surface reactivity of metals and ceramics.


My research activities – based on calculations and simulations on supercomputers – include:

  • (i) Bottom-up design of refractory ceramic alloys and superlattices that retain high mechanical strength, hardness, and toughness from room to elevated (> 1000 ºC) temperatures.
  • (ii) Gaining atomistic and electronic-scale knowledge of gas/surface reactions and mass transport on bulk and 2D materials for applications in crystal growth, catalysis, and oxidation-resistant coatings
  • (iii) Determination of thermodynamic and kinetic conditions for phase transformation and phase segregation in alloys.
  • (iv) Development of theoretical methods and models for evaluation of material properties at conditions of relevance for practical uses.


I am also responsible for the Computational Physics course (4th year students), as well as assistant/lecturer in other undergraduate courses.



Davide G. Sangiovanni, Collin Rowe, Geetu Sharma, Michael Lane, Per Eklund, Ganpati Ramanath (2024) Strain hardening and toughening in metal/molecular nanolayer/metal nanosandwiches Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 124, Article 261601 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Nikola Koutna, Lars Hultman, Paul H. Mayrhofer, Davide Sangiovanni (2024) Phase stability and mechanical property trends for MAB phases by high-throughput ab initio calculations Materials & design, Vol. 241, Article 112959 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Shun Kashiwaya, Yuchen Shi, Jun Lu, Davide Giuseppe Sangiovanni, Grzegorz Greczynski, Martin Magnuson, Mike Andersson, Johanna Rosén, Lars Hultman (2024) Synthesis of goldene comprising single-atom layer gold Nature Synthesis, Vol. 3, p. 744-751 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Shuyao Lin, Luis Casillas-Trujillo, Ferenc Tasnadi, Lars Hultman, Paul H. Mayrhofer, Davide Sangiovanni, Nikola Koutna (2024) Machine-learning potentials for nanoscale simulations of tensile deformation and fracture in ceramics npj Computational Materials, Vol. 10, Article 67 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI
Mohammad Zarshenas, Davide Sangiovanni, Kostas Sarakinos (2024) Diffusion and magnetization of metal adatoms on single-layer molybdenum disulfide at elevated temperatures Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films, Vol. 42, Article 023409 (Article in journal) Continue to DOI


