19 November 2024

Thirteen researchers at Linköping University have advanced in their academic careers by becoming Docents at the Faculty of Engineering. The faculty's Dean, Johan Ölvander, presented the diplomas during a ceremony held at the University Club, Campus Valla.

The image shows seven of the new Docents, along with Johan Ölvander, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. Photographer: Thor Balkhed

Torkel Glad, chair of the Docent committee, welcomed the new docents, and Professor Michael Felsberg delivered a short lecture titled "Machine Learning for Computer Vision."

The title of Docent, roughly equivalent to Associate Professor, represents a career step beyond a doctoral degree on the path to becoming a full professor. The requirements include conducting independent research, documented experience in teaching at various levels, and supervising doctoral students. The research must demonstrate both breadth and depth and have been published in recognized journals and/or conferences according to the publication standards of the respective field.

The new docents:

PhD Claudio Mirabello – Bioinformatik, IFM
The protein structure prediction problem: from Anfinsen's hypothesis to AlphaFold and beyond

PhD Onur Günlü – Informationsteori, ISY
Information Theoretic Security: From First Principles to Future-Proof Algorithms

Tekn. dr Hanna Jonasson – Medicinteknisk vetenskap, IMT
Exploring microvascular function in cardiovascular disease: challenges, advancements, and technologies

Tekn. dr Davide Sangiovanni – Materialvetenskap, IFM
Atomistic understanding of plasticity in refractory ceramics

PhD Ziyauddin Khan – Tillämpad fysik, ITN
Sustainable Batteries: Path to Green Energy

PhD Suzan Boztepe – Design, IEI
Design as a Catalyst for Transformation: Creating Value for People, Organizations, and Society

Ekon. dr Adis Murtic – Industriell ekonomi med inriktning mot industriell organisation, IEI
Multilevel Determinants of Knowledge Management, Innovation Performance, and Intrapreneurship

Fil. dr Renee Kroon – Kemi, ITN
From chemical functionalization to green chemistry of conjugated polymers

Tekn. dr Marie Jonsson – Industriell produktion, IEI
Dynamic Automation in Production: Practical Implications of Adaptable Robotics

Tekn. dr Gunnar Höst – Visualisering och medieteknik, ITN
How and what do we learn from molecular visualizations in science?

Tekn. dr Mårten Wadenbäck – Elektro- och systemteknik med inriktning mot datorseende, ISY
Exploring 3D vision: Parametrisation, Constraints and Solvers

Tekn. dr Joakim Holmberg – Teknisk mekanik, IEI
Kroppens mekanik

Tekn. dr Ehsan Miandji, Visualisering och medieteknik, ITN
Learning to sample signals: theory, algorithms, and applications

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