Theoretical Physics

Picture of a projection

To analyze and explain existing experimental observations, to make a systematics of the generated knowledge, and to use the knowledge for novel predictions.

Theoretical physics deals with understanding of nature. In our research we use fundamental principles and basic concepts to develop mathematical models that are then studied by means of analytical and numerical methods. The main goal for a theoretical study is to analyze and explain existing experimental observations, to make a systematics of the generated knowledge, and to use the knowledge for novel discoveries. 

Nowadays theoretical physics field is broad, dealing with scientific challenges from understanding of universe to elementary particles and quantum information.

Within our group, the focus lies on Condensed Matter Theory. We study materials, considering fundamental and applied questions, ranging from the behavior of matter at extreme compressions relevant e.g. for understanding of structure and properties of Earth’s core, to applications of theoretical tools in knowledge-based materials design.

Link to DiVA database with the group's collected publications.

News and articles

Iridescent disc on net.

Successful outcomes for IFM's materials research in WASP-WISE pilot call

WASP and WISE have recently awarded grants to nine collaborative projects, three of which include participants from the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM) at Linköping University.

Three persons in a room with abstract images projected on the walls and floor.

Searching for materials for ultra-fast quantum computers

The number of materials that could be used in the fast quantum computers of the future has increased thanks to Oscar Groppfeldt’s degree project, for which he had access to the university’s supercomputers.

teaserbild teoretisk fysik

Theoretical Physics (TEOFY)

The research in the division of Theoretical Physics is focused on analyzing and explaining existing experimental observations, makeing a systematics of the generated knowledge, and using the knowledge for novel discoveries.