
Diana Holmqvist

Associate Professor

Adult education researcher and teacher with an interest for educational organisation and teacher's work.

Research projects

My research interests include organisation of education and its consequences for those involved in education. My PhD research concerns the organisation of Swedish Municipal Adult Education through public procurement and what this means for teachers’ work. The project explores questions such as “How is national education outsourcing policy being enacted by different municipalities?”, "How do teachers navigate points of tension that arise from this organisation?" and "How are teachers construed and valuated in procurement documents?"




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CV and Commisions


  • 2016-2017 Conference administrator, 3rd International ProPEL Conference 2017
  • 2016-2017 Acting secretary for ESREA – the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults)


  • 2020 – Reviewer Journal of Education Policy
  • 2016-2019 Editorial Assistant, European
